Reviews from

in the past

Inescapable monolith of PC gaming. It's literally free, you should give it a try.

Spy is the most fun character. fun game minus the bots.

addicting hero shooter but bots drag the game down a lot and the fact valve is neglecting tf2 is disappointing

This art design has some kind of hold on me. Mostly play the classic mod now

The amount of love I have towards this game can't even described. It has played a huge part of my childhood and helped me get through tough times with it's humor, characters, design and just the nature of the game. But as the saying goes "All good things must come to an end" and that's sadly the case of TF2. This game has been plagued by bots for a very long time and it doesn't seem to get any better. What doesn't make it better is that a video came out recently by "Zesty Jesus" where he tried to make out how many bots there actually are. It turns out that this game is 80% bots and only 20% "real" players. Compare that with Valve almost never updating the game you got a dead game with a delusional community. Unless you want the game to stay like this you shouldn't give Valve any type of money to show them that you won't accept this. And if you think that they don't have the tools to fix it, trust me they do!!

i love the nine classes' mechanics i wish the question mark was playable though

There is not a world where I could give Team Fortress 2 anything less than 5 stars. This game is half of the reason I have an only presence, half the reason I even have a steam account, and source of at least 25% of my trauma. It's one of the most fun times you can have on the internet, this was true in 2007, and while I'd argue there are other games worth the attention nowadays, I'd still say TF2 (I'll be referring to it like this from now on) is one of the more fun times you can have for free.

TF2 is a team based, first person shooter game, developed by Valve. All three of these details are enough of an explanation for this game's success, but I made this account to be unapologetically loud about my favorite things! Not to be a coward! Valve's incredible attention to detail and genuine love for their games tends to make anything they put out a masterpiece, even 17 years later Team Fortress 2 is still a classic, a testament to the staying power of Valve. The characters are lovingly crafted to be as charming as possible, the gameplay was fine-tuned to be fast, rewarding smart movement alongside player experimentation, it allowed for TF2 to be easy to pick up, hard to master, yet fun to do both.

The depth of the game can be boiled down to the nine classes, and I won't go into each of them in great details. I'm going to mention them as need be, because they're 75% of the game, they need the spotlight. The characters in TF2 are from a diverse group from around Europe, Australia, and the United States, all of which having distinct voices and personalities, with none of the stepping on the other eight's feet with their quirks. These were all seen the Meet The (insert class here) videos, basically required viewing to get into TF2, as it gives the best introduction to the characters humanly possible. Like showing the insanity of Jane Doe, the Soldier, or revealing how cocky one man can be with Jeremy, the Scout, named after Jerma. All of these classes were given short videos made using Valve's own software to introduce you to the wacky world, and hopefully drum up excitement around the game. The videos are classics, and if you're reading this review, you've either played TF2 and know them by heart, or you've always wanted to try it and you're afraid, either way, give them a watch!

Gushing about this game is hard as someone who's been playing for 10 years. Looking at TF2, a game that I've played in and out, and as I've been raised by the inside jokes from the fandom for years, so my enjoyment may be a lot different than a new player or someone playing longer than me. I love this game dearly, the interactions and expressive gameplay keep me coming back, no matter how long I am without a computer, no matter how many other games come and are slotted above it in my favorite games of all time, I'll come back to this game like a dog bring a stick back for her owner. The game's maps are fun to run around, the characters are fun to play, the gameplay is addicting and rewarding. I can't pick a better game to love casually, truly.

muito fodaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

this game has soul something that overwatch never had so dont you dare disrespect this game and compare it to overwatch or call overwatch a tf2 clone

Didn't play much but it's cool

Uno siempre vuelve donde fue feliz, para mi ese lugar es TF2

My most played game and the reason I really got into gaming with my PC. Unfortunately has fallen from grace with bots and nonexistent updates, but at its core Team Fortress 2 is nearly perfect in its design, music, characters, and gameplay. Stands as a masterclass in overall game design with its characters, maps, tech, etc. Still like to boot it up once in a while, but I miss when this game still felt loved.

A game that I've been playing on and off since I was 13-14. I've had some of my favorite moments in gaming playing this game throughout my whole life up to this point. I don't really play this nearly as often as I used to as the game isn't getting updates anymore which would be fine if there weren't rampant bot issues that occur randomly in servers. There's some balancing issues but overall the game was a damn good time while it lasted.

Played back in the day with my brothers and it brings back good gaming memories

To think that something so beautiful could be the cause of so much evil... Truly the One Ring of video games.

When your session is bot-free, it's better than sex.

If you don't like first person shooters, you will love Team Fortress 2.
If you don't like online multiplayer games, you will love Team Fortress 2.
If you don't like men, you will love Team Fortress 2.
Heck, even if you don't like videogames, you will LOVE TEAM FORTRESS 2

A title that is not only able to stand out the test of time, with a community (mostly not toxic) active for over 15 years, and a charm so persuasive that literally lead to the invention of SFM.

Even without considering the impact TF2 had on the internet or the videogame landscape as a whole, in a vacuum the game is also really enjoyable: each of the different characters not only have a timeless iconicity and personalities, but gameplay-wise they all have unique gimmicks that can be exploited differenty depending on your team or the overall strategies. I have been a Scout main when I played the game as a kid (mostly because I sucks at aiming and a baseball bat was a call for me), but trying out characters that I never personally tried, like Heavy Pyro or Spy, lead to always fun matches even though Im kinda suck personally eheh.

It is also respectable how one of the most important aspects of modern multyplayer games (DLC AND MICROTRANSACTIONS, my not beloved!) are limited to cosmetics and don't remove anything crucial to the whole experience. Each extra mode even today are released, and show how much the devs care about this title.

One of the best free-to-play experience you can have. Valve invented comedy back in 2007 and nobody topped that yet.
If you don't wanna try it, at least watch the trailers and promotional shorts: Expiration Date is cinema at its finest.

THE FPS, theres not a single other game that has mechanics as good as these, rocket jumping backstabbing, market gardening and not to mention the cosmetics the memes, trully a timeless masterpiece and my favorite fps of all time

This game is a great shooter and I actually enjoy playing unlike cough cough Overwatch 2 cough

You never quit just take an extended vacation.