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At it’s core the story, ambience, characters and the overall vibe is amazing but I don’t see myself continuing to play this game. The reason is that it all feels like it’s the same thing on repeat. Go there, kill that and travel back to the quest giver for reward. There is also no real reason to play a game this dated that also looks dull. And this is me saying this after playing BL3 and BL2. So I get that I’m spoiled but dude every single gun feels and looks the same way. There is not even a reason to grind anything. Gunplay with some guns also feel terrible.

The skilltree is also boring and every single enemy feels so lifeless and usually say the same voice line over and over.

I strongly advise just play this game if you’re a hardcore borderlands fan. There is no other reason to play this.

Dead Rising 2 is such an upgrade from Dead Rising 1. You have more time in the mall and you’re no longer so restricted by having to complete quests constantly. The A.I for survivors is not the best but it’s without doubt better than in the first game. There are also many more things you can do in mall. The story, the humor, the bossfights hold up just as well as in the first game. So get this game if you want a game that is both deadly serious and comedic at the same time. It’s literally what Dead Rising is about.

I have no problem with this game other than maybe that the Rednecks are boring and a pain in the ass to deal with in the wrong way. They had zero purpose being in the game. The vibe and the aesthetic of the game doesn’t also hit the same way as in the first.

I didn't exactly beat this game but instead I watched the end on youtube. Overall okay game, good setting, fun characters and nice plot twists. I found myself appreciating this game for what it is and it's actually been a good ride for most of the time playing. The things I dislike about this game is how every chapter is split into different substories, the enemies got really boring and I felt like they could do better, the length is also too long and I found myself running through the same area over like 3-4 times only difference being with different characters. It would have been better if they spiced it up or implented something new so it didn't feel old and boring. But I'm surprised I even managed to put 12-13 hours into this game which is a lot for a person like me.

Now this is a minor spoiler warning and a rant unlike the rest of my review. I absolutely hate with a passion the last boss in this game. Because he is brutally unfair, stupid and more difficult than a god damn Bloodborne boss. What's even worse is that the boss is not even present throughout the story like Nemesis or Mr X. So it all feels unnecessary difficult and completly POINTLESS. Instead he's just a random dude with no purpose in the game except for holding something valuable. The boss also have like 5 phases and he gets progressively harder. You can't dodge him, his hitbox doesn't work for shit, he can hit you across the map and is pretty much undodgeable, there are barely any items in the area to help you survive, he's a also a ridiculous bullet sponge and you will run out of all your ammo and everything trying to beat him. Chris also does jackshit and is more useless than a SINGLE CHOPSTICK. And if I sound mad it is because I am mad. He has to be the worst boss I have ever faced in a video game and I'm glad I gave up on him because he's just not worth wasting my time for. That's all thanks for reading my rant... I would now like to move on next game but seriously fuck him.