Reviews from

in the past

The most minor of upgrades from the first Game Boy TURTLES game, in that it now mixes in some actual belt-scrolling areas in between the LCD-handheld-on-steroids stuff from before. Mostly the game is just harder, which was, uh, not the way to go. The biggest upgrade is the backgrounds, which look fantastic, but this weirdly seems to have come at the cost of the character art/animation, which looks goofy and off-model. (The turtles' walk and attack cycles are really funny, check 'em out. And what the EFF is going on with Bebop???)

It is striking me while playing through all of these that by FAR the most ambitious game is gonna be that nightmarish first NES one, huh. That's kind of rough. Why couldn't they have done something like that again on Gameboy? Holding out a fool's hope for something more special with the third one.

Marginally better than Fall of the Foot Clan but it still controls weird and everyone walks strangely upright like they're all in a PSA for good posture to prevent smartphone crookback. I can't hate this too much because it does what a retro turtles game is supposed to do, which is feature Krang in his robot body as a final boss and play his goofy-ass arcade theme song. By that rubric it should be a way better game than Turtles in Time, but then again, I mean, there's the rest of the game here.

Just the pure rhythm of this game makes me come back to it a lot. I recommend it for a nice chost game boy experience.

Never has there been a more apt title for a video game. Legitimately one of the worst I've ever played, with the most absurd, Adderall-fueled level design and bosses in the history of the medium. I genuinely, 100% believe this was not tested before it was released. I have no idea how a game as mind-numbingly simple as the first game is better, but somehow it is.

compared to the first GB game it's an upgrade in both sound and looks, in actual gameplay it's much worse with how cheap it can feel, too many enemies on the screen for you to take care of, and boss battles that don't telegraph their attacks.

This is still a pretty good game, I like this just as much as the first one but for every different reasons.