Reviews from

in the past

Once I got deeper into episode 1, I started to really appreciate the story they were trying to tell. Trauma and grief aren't easy to deal with, and everyone deals with it differently. Memories are tricky and things aren't always as we think we remember them. I took the time to really think about the choices I was making and how it would impact the characters at the end. I feel like I kind of placed myself in their shoes and sent myself along the path I would want to go through if I wanted to heal from the situation. I think overall some things could have been shortened or cut out, but otherwise I enjoyed my time with this game greatly. If it's the type of game you enjoy, it's definitely a tough, emotional and potentially triggering story.

a definição de barraqueiro é o próprio tyler (feliz mês da visibilidade trans!!)

Decent. Interesting without being spectacular. You could see who the father is from a mile away, if you thought about it. A bit cliché.

Très bon jeu avec une bonne enquete, dommage que la fin etait un peu prévisible. Les deux jumeaux ont vraiment une bonne complicité et le pouvoir du jeu est très bien utilisé. Le jeu tourne autour de la transidentité de notre héro ce qui est vraiment interressant et cool pour la representation. Le jeu est loin d'etre parfait mais il m'a beaucoup donné de plaisir

Le jeu est vraiment bien et arrive à aborder de bons sujets mais je trouve qu'il y a trop de facilités scénaristiques à certains moments mais ça restes une bonne découverte


hé ben autant c'est assez joliment réalisé (notamment les décors et des bonnes musiques, moins les persos) et ya des puzzles sympa, autant c'est chiant et mou du genou.

Histoire pas ouf, ça tire en longueur, persos qui méritent des claques...

c'était pas top

A história e os personagens são bem cativantes, os puzzles não muito difíceis, o único problema do jogo é ser lento dms kkkkk

walking simulator onde o jogo se joga sozinho. não tem graça e não vale a pena jogar isso. quer jogar pela história? vai assistir gameplay no youtube, vai ser a mesma experiência, só que com a opção de pular as partes chatas (todo o jogo)

Similar vibes to LIS with a decent protagonist and somewhat interesting mystery.

Tell Me Why follows twins Alyson and Tyler who have telepathic-esque powers as they investigate their complicated childhood, including the tragic night of their mother's death. This game is very similar to the Life is Strange series but falls short of the magic that makes LiS great. However, if you just want familiar aesthetic and game mechanics, TMW will scratch that itch. The game does a good job of representation, bringing characters to life with queer/trans and/or Alaska Native backgrounds. It may or may not be directly influenced or inspired by LiS but it does come across as a poor attempt of being a love letter to the Square Enix franchise. The story is compelling enough to overlook the lackluster voice acting and the rest of the game's flaws but this is still going to be an average episodic, choose your own adventure game.

Tell Me Why en su primer episodio no terminó de encandilarme, pero continué y me ha gustado descubrir el gran misterio.
Y bueno, me ha hecho muy feliz que en mi final los hermanos sigan unidos 🫂
"Recuerda que eres importante y te necesitamos en este mundo" ❤❤❤

(Infelizmente) amo esse tipo de jogo.

it's a good game. i'm just a cis person, but i feel like the trans representation was on point -- tyler was my favorite character. also, michael.

Very cool of Microsoft/Xbox to fund a game with a transmasc lead imo. It’s also not as, uh, cringe? as other Dontnod games and has some very pretty backdrops but largely this one’s pretty forgettable. Glacial pacing, so-so characters and a weak mystery with a not particularly fulfilling conclusion. Great LGBTQ+ and mental health rep, but otherwise just an ok story.

The intro to episode 2 is probably one of my favorite things I've ever seen in a game and I thoroughly enjoyed my time playing.

muito bonito visualmente e narrativamente, pegada bem parecida de life is strange (mas lis tem uma trilha sonora bem superior)

I can't remember much from it, except I thought it was good, important and had beautiful graphics.

I'm glad a game finally has good transmasc rep for once. You don't see that very often. Story was just alright though. But good to see a change.

achei um jogo. bonito, as artes dos personagens poderiam ser melhores, mas o resto é bonito,
música boazinha, jogo de escolha com a fórmula de life is strange mas também pega um lancezinho diferente, mas acaba sendo a mesma fórmula achei legalzinho, mas nada demais

Some video game stories are about grand adventures, saving the world and all sorts of epic, massive things. Tell Me Why is about a brother and a sister looking into their past in their small Alaskan town.

The siblings, Ronan and Alyson prepare their old house for sale – a house where Ronan had killed their mother at, thinking that she was about to murder him due to hating that her “daughter” identified as a boy. He ended up in a special prison, and had only just been released. As they search through their house, they discover things that imply that their memories of the incident may not have been what it seems.

Throughout three chapters, you progress through their investigation, learn more about the people in town and go through a very personal story – something that seems quite rare in video games. The mystery is compelling and has a good pay-off at the end.

I liked the first act in the story, it was really interesting, but after that I felt the story dragged on for way too long, at points I couldn't wait to reach the end.

Eu amei esse jogo, me lembrou bastante Life is Strange, eu gostei como o poder dos personagens é retratado, a história é bem legal, infelizmente o jogo é bem lentinho e na maioria do tempo você esta andando, mas é um jogo mais calmo mesmo para você aproveitar a história, podendo fazer suas próprias escolhas gerando finais diferentes, eu recomendo para quem gosta de um jogo com história e tramas

Played 30 mins. Got bored. Uninstalled.

Similar setting to other games in the Life is Strange saga, but the story and characters didn't got into me that much. I liked the themes around trans identity though.

I absolutely love games like Life is Strange - their soundtrack, story and overall vibes. Tell Me Why a bit underdelivered on all of it, but I'm still too biased to give it less than 3 stars.

Como fã incondicional da franquia Life is Strange, mergulhei em Tell me Why com expectativas relativamente consideráveis, mas com pé no chão. As tentativas de se igualar ao principal grande acerto da Dontnod já foram muitas, e sinceramente, não acredito que isso seja possível.

No entanto, a empresa mantém um nível muito bom no que se diz respeito a experiências com foco principal na narrativa, e mais uma vez, me agradou bastante.

Estamos diante de uma história envolta de sentimentos dos mais diversos e conflitantes, todos eles girando em torno de irmãos gêmeos assombrados por memórias trágicas envolvendo sua mãe.

Memórias essas, que devido a confusão generalizada causada pelas memórias também conflitantes sobre o que de fato aconteceu naquele dia, se tornam o grande mistério a ser solucionado.

O enredo se desenvolve muito bem de maneira geral, mas em certos momentos notei uma certa dificuldade na transmissão desses sentimentos pelos personagens, talvez até pela limitação das expressões faciais, mas não é nada que comprometa muito.

Outro fator muito bacana a se destacar é a dualidade da narrativa com as histórias semelhantes a contos de fadas presentes em um livro de histórias criado pela mãe dos protagonistas, sendo cada uma das figuras fantasiosas como os Goblins Travessos ou a Princesa Sábia representações de pessoas importantes para a história, que conhecemos durante o jogo.

Como anteriormente dito, Tell me Why segue a consistente linha de bons jogos de narrativa deixado pelo legado do primeiro e grandioso Life is Strange, retratando temas importantíssimos e fortes de maneira consciente e bem colocada. Não entra para os meus favoritos do gênero, mas merece seu espaço como uma ótima obra.

6.5/10. The game is overall fun. the gameplay is (obviously) very limited. The story is okay, some moments and relations feel a bit rushed. The voice acting at times was a huge letdown. The puzzles are okay, they get a bit tedious after a while.

A game that struggles to tell a good story with interesting characters, but has nice environments and town its set in