Reviews from

in the past

as the magic of seeing cute drawings of cute girls fades, the clunkiness of the fully-random-piece-generation leads to an unfulfilling adventure mode, albeit with a cute improvisatory twist. a variant has to effectively extend itself from tetris AND stand successful by itself; this accomplished neither. but puzzle mode! you adopt a little chibi explorer and drag her down to hell on purpose? puzzle mode clearly had more work and time put into it, and its richness shines in character design, branching paths, alternate endings, and an interestingly diferent way to approach tetris: spot-crafting your stack to create a particular hole with height and garbage restrictions. in a sense, it's like cheese race the game. if you don't know what cheese race is, i can't help you; but maybe tetris plus 2 can.

Focused on Puzzle/Challenge mode here.

About on-par with the prequel for me, so see my notes there. The Assistant being more energetic and taller makes her a cute challenge option over the Professor. I also like the branching path structure, always neat to see in an arcade game. Don't think any of these things significantly elevate the game for me, but it's not bad.

Remember to never ask:

- A woman, her age.
- A man, his salary.
- Detchibe, what time the Tetris tournament is.

This game has a fun little story/puzzle mode where you try to clear enough lines to get your character onto the ground floor so they can continue to explore these ancient tombs for treasure. Some levels can be pretty clever and some just a big ol pain in the ass. The ending is pretty funny though. Sprite art and music are also pretty charming.

Even with the hidden extra difficulty levels, the whole thing feels like a easy-type version of Tetris Plus, taking into consideration that this one was arcade exclusive, and the player couldn't bang their head against any given puzzle until they broke through. A lot of levels can be cheesed with the two bombs you get per quarter, making the whole thing feel kind of pay-to-win (more so than most arcade games, that is). The scoring system doesn't really incentivize taking the more difficult paths anyway, but at least the branching paths offer some good replay value if you somehow have infinite credits (which really seems like the only way to play this one). The addition of the Assistant as a playable character is a positive, her increased speed mitigates the otherwise slow nature of moving a character you can't control, but can also be a liability, now that there are obstacles you have to neutralize by placing a block over them.
Worth a try, but it really highlights how ill-suited to this rotation system the entire concept of Tetris Plus' puzzle mode is. They need to bring the mode back under the modern Tetris rules.