Reviews from

in the past

Here's why I might recommend it:

If you're looking for about 3 more hours of the Ascent to play, then you might like to pick up Cyber Heist. You might also pick it up if you want to support the devs or perhaps try out the beefy melee weapons. I got the Ascent on a deep deep discount through Humble Monthly so I didn't feel bad picking up Cyber Heist, and maybe you're in that group as well. If you see Cyber Heist on, maybe a 50% discount as any other player, I think I would definitely recommend it then. Overall, for the most part, I was happy to buy this DLC just to stick around in this universe and level up a few more times before putting it down.

I might not recommend it because... well.

Right out the gate, I like my games to follow a pretty strict 1:1 ratio... I pay game devs a buck, they give me an hour of game. You can't stretch Cyber Heist to 10 hours. You might be able to stretch it to five hours if you achievement hunt for those level 35 VIP enemies. So time wise, it's not off to a good start.

This combined with the game stopping bugs I encountered was very disappointing. I had my fair share of game crashes in the base game... but I expected a little more from the DLC? There's a mission that spawns waves of enemies that bugged out on completion, so I had to do it all over again. The final boss didn't spawn on his platform on my second attempt and there wasn't a boss checkpoint, so on restart, it made me do a 30 minute section again to get to the boss... If Cyber Heist is only a 3 hour section of game, I really feel like it could have been QA tested a bit more before it launched, you know?

It's not a very big area and the story doesn't have any cool twists like the main story. I was expecting to learn what all the fuss was about with this main quest line, but you get to the end of it and it's like... "Sorry merc. Can't tell ya. That's just the way it is." So you don't really get a satisfying narrative conclusion in that regard. Combat is more of the same. The melee weapons are fun, but they have so many groups of enemies that they are impossible to use without getting flatlined.

Speaking of enemies, there are enemies EVERYWHERE and around every corner, and there are just huge dense groups of them. Often I would find myself completing a firefight just to aggro an enemy in the next city section over, and they would waltz over and another fight would happen. This makes traversing the 'Dark Playground' (DP), really challenging, somewhat difficult, and lightly cumbersome. Without them being absolutely everywhere, this DLC would definitely be half the length, for sure. Made me kind of sad because I really appreciated those serene moments in the base game where I could just appreciate the games detail, and the skyline, etc. You don't really get that here.

The real value would be in how many superior components you get from this... I found myself overflowing with them. I had so many that I couldn't even use them because I didn't have enough basic and advanced components. It is terribly unbalanced in that way, though its probably the devs way of saying "play new game plus".

I played Cyber Heist, I enjoyed it for what it was, but it has its problems, and the devs really need to acknowledge the bugs and perhaps the price before I give it an overflowing recommendation (which is a real tragedy because I love the base game a lot and hope more people play it).

Overall, if you're looking to stick around the Ascent for a little bit longer with a few new toys in the post game, then I don't think you'll be too disappointed, and the surplus of superior components makes leveling up a few more weapons a cinch. However, I feel like the majority of players would probably find new game plus to be more fulfilling than this slightly overpriced, kinda barebones DLC. Off-Brand.