Reviews from

in the past

Love the atmosphere and the style of the game. The gunplay is quite fun as well though your mostly gonna be using the shotgun(s) and assault rifle. Music is quite nice and fits the tone and atmosphere of the game as well. Story is quite interesting for an doom-like FPS as well. Definitely recommend.

sexual appeal of incredible melancholic violence with all the mechanics feels profoundly transgender

Marathon meets anime

It's refreshing to see a modern retro-styled "Boomer shooter" take more influence from Bungie's 1994 Mac classic as opposed to the typical Doom/Quake/Duke3d inspired crowd that has dominated the genre. I love Marathon and anything even remotely close is enough to catch my eye.

Unfortunately though, as much as I want to love it, the game is far from perfect. The actual gunplay and mechanics are solid and the visuals are nice and full of really cool anime girl gore sprites, but it's all held back by really amateurish level design, rudimentary ai, and environments all made up of an incredibly small number of textures, making every environment look the same.

This is a game that looks like something I'd love and was inspired by games I DO love. It's good but didn't quite live up to my expectations.