Reviews from

in the past

This is such a strange title. I was gifted this by my best friend as a bit, apparently they went to the oldest games on my wish list and pulled this out. I don't remember adding this game to my list like at all. Or when i found it for that matter. This game is obscure, when you look it up on Youtube the engine automatically tries to look for videos on the communist manifesto, thinking you misspelled it; theirs exactly 4 videos. The game's trailer on an now abandoned Youtube account the developer owns and a re upload to a Spanish trailer channel. These were from six years ago, the other two videos are from three years ago; they are just gameplay vids and neither channel ever finished the game. I noticed the game had no steam grid art so I went to SteamgridDB to get custom art, only to find it had no uploads at all. I knew that this game was at that moment gonna be an experience.

It's too bad it was a terrible one. This game isn't very good, it's honestly not good at all. It's a system shock esq adventure fps; where you play a survivor on a derelict space station taken over by robot (or bio engineered i think?) dogs. The games premise is actually interesting, a what if scenario where lakia actually returns from space alive and gains some form of super intelligence, and then turn on the humans, you know like system shock with SHODAN, well kinda. The problem is the gameplay is just awful. Your slow as dirt, and main enemy of the game is real fast moving sentry drones that whittle your health away. The gameplay loop is basically just shoot things and eat health kits so you don't die. The game apparently also didn't have manual saving at launch and the auto saves are super far out, I didn't even reach on in the time i played the game.

The environment is grey and more grey, and there is no lighting to speak of, everything is so fucking dark, you can't see most of the time. There's a crafting system as well, but you can only craft at the sporadically placed terminals in the map and you have to find recipes that are also sprinkled throughout the world.

I didn't beat this game, I couldn't. After getting to the power station which is like the 3rd area of the game, i was completely spent with the games systems and loops. The two lets plays didn't even get to this part btw, the longer one got to the door for the area but didn't have the code to enter. meaning that literally nobody on youtube has beaten the game.

This game is a hard pass from me. I really hope the developer is still making stuff as this is the only game they have put out on steam, but this game just feels like someones first big project they put out to the world and its just filled with a bunch of issues. It's a game with a great concept that's ruined by its actual gameplay.

if your the type who likes playing games that have no traction of just sort of fell under the radar then maybe you'll dig it, but I cannot recommend this game to anyone.