Reviews from

in the past

The Escapists is such a clever concept - it's all about planning the perfect prison break! You gotta follow routines, craft tools, dig tunnels, whatever it takes to get out. It's got a charming pixel art style, and figuring out all the ways to escape is really satisfying. It can get a bit repetitive and sometimes the guards feel unfair, but if you like puzzle games and the idea of busting out of jail, this one's definitely worth trying.

I remember watching AuthenticGames and TazerCraft playing it back in 2016 or something, but when I actually played it... Meh

Demorei pra conseguir escapar, principalmente com meu amigo me atrapalhando kkkk

Solid enough, its fun the first few times you play it but that's about it

when i was younger i bought this game and lied to my dad about buying it on accident. lol

Screw the half-assed sequel, this game slaps. It's a joy to replay any of the 6 main levels over and over again to try and find all of the possible escape routes, and even when you get tired of that, you can just hop into the level editor and make your own levels to replay over and over again.

Honestly really fun but can be pretty tedious and doesn't always run 100% correctly.

Calango jogando isso era PICA.
Jogo bom pra caralho, a ideia foi única pra época, e é extremamente simples e divertido ! ! !

jogar depois do hype é poder abrir o olho e saber quando um jogo fede com poucos minutos

After you play the second game, there is literally zero reason to play this one. This game just aged horribly and the sequel fixes everything about it plus is multiplayer.

You might have fun for like, an hour. But it gets stale fast. It touts creativity in methods but, theres a pretty rigid set of rules.

surprising technical depth for an arabic phone game

Jungle compound is actually the worst map, I never want to visit that place again

The first game I ever got on steam so I’m a little biased

Granted it’s not that good, only being able to save at night is a bit of a pain, the load feature kind of voids the threat of solitary and escape methods get a little bit more restrictive as the game progresses with stuff like the barrier in jungle compound but I appreciate them trying to add variety to the gameplay and I still enjoyed it.

Jogo muito bem elaborado! Simples e extremamente divertido. Para sair da prisão, você deve ter paciência, determinação e foco.
A satisfação de fugir é inexplicável.
Admito que nunca consegui fugir da última prisão.

Youtubers made me get this game

This game is rad, just a fun time.

I learn that a mug of hot chocolate is a great weapon!

was sorta fun for a while back in the day but the mechanics are cheap and feel like they only sometimes work (not in an intentional way)

that being said i do have some fond memories of this 2015-2016. something id be willing to revisit