Reviews from

in the past

Buen prólogo para la historia, en algunos aspectos mejor que el juego base.

we can all be poetic and just lose our minds together

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This was super fun! I always wondered how Ellie patched Joel up between the time he gets injured in the base game and when we cut back to her hunting deer. Although not so satisfying a story (she just goes out to find medical supplies and eventually does after being ambushed by infected and soldiers lol), it does well to parallel the other story and display her motivations for saving Joel, that being her and Riley's relationship, and the things Riley said to her. I think they probably wanted to have a section with Ellie during the last of us so they could include some stealth and shooting sections, where the part with Ellie and Riley is before either of them have had any shooting experience. Honestly, the Ellie/Riley part had good story, boring gameplay, while the Ellie saving Joel part had good gameplay and boring story lol. There was a part at the end of the Ellie saving Joel part where it was really confusing on where to go, and then the triangle prompt was in a place I had just looked... weird stuff

There was so much charming dialogue and cute moments... I had already seen most of it in the show which probably made it hit a little less hard too! I do remember being confused when watching the show. Honestly it worked better for me here.

this was only made to hurt my feelings

Guys I don't know why but... It bored me 😔

storytelling was better than base game

Background de boneco de the last of us, é tão bom quanto o jogo e trás melhorias em algumas mecânicas, mas não passa de um complemento

Uma ótima dlc que chega a ser melhor que o game principal. Vale super a pena

It's pretty alright. The story is, as always, the strongest part of this game. I think that the best parts of this DLC are the flashbacks with Riley. The present-day sections are just ok.

Really good side quest that gave a lot more depth to Ellie's character. I love it when media bounces around in the timeline and makes you get attached to characters you already know are going to die. and the SCORE, just like the main game, is just amazing.

Extremamente chato! A parte que conta a história da Ellie e Riley praticamente não existe gameplay, é só andar pra frente e ver cutscene, ademais a história das 2 é um clichê cinematográfico manjado e insosso.

A parte da Ellie procurando o kit de primeiros socorros para o Joel também não acrescenta em absolutamente em nada na história, sendo mera encheção de linguiça. Ao menos possuí algum gameplay, embora seja bem tedioso também, ficando interessante apenas após você pegar o kit de primeiros socorros no helicóptero, porém quando chega nessa parte você já está praticamente no final da DLC.

Ademais, na data atual esta DLC está custando R$50 na PSN, e você consegue terminar essa campanha (desnecessária) em menos de 2 horas.

Enfim, não vale a pena e não acrescenta em nada a história do jogo base. A única coisa boa é que o jogo é mais estável e não possui as quedas de fps que a versão base possui na versão de PS3

I'm still shocked after all these years this is the first time I played the DLC. It was a wonderful addition to the main game that felt more like cut content than anything else.

Seeing Ellie & Riley in this light is literally everything I need right now; I wish there was more. 😭😭😭

I guess I should replay Last of Us Part II now? If only I had the time LOL

The Last of Us: Left Behind is more of a nice extra rather than a fully fledged DLC. The story is compelling and feels crucial to understanding Ellie's full story in the best way possible, but the gameplay segments feel very repetitive and bland - obviously the story this told didn't really fit gameplay so they had to improvise, but that regardless doesn't make me feel any better about it. All in all, this is a great experience for fans of TLOU but I wouldn't recommend it over any other titles in the franchise.

não esperava tanto, acabou que eu gostei mais que a maior parte do jogo em si
beijo gay 🤮 pra mim só pode homem com homem, sou tradicional de família
nada mais a diser,... "a gnt pd, poetcament inlouqueser junts" 🤪 "I tem outr opção?", "dskulpa"...

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god please bring riley back and take me instead

Left Behind explores a memory of Ellie's, providing more context to Ellie's backstory while interweaving it with a solo mission for Ellie set during Part 1, filling in some blanks. I only wish it was a bit longer as I finished this in 2 hours.

Gostei demais de finalmente jogar essa DLC pela primeira vez, foi muito legal, divertido, triste e emocionante (principalmente o final)

Deu para aproveitar bastante a gameplay com a Ellie, principalmente nos momentos que tiveram bastante inimigos, MUITO BOM!!!

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Played PS4 Remastered Main Game Disc. Beat on normal, was pretty easy. Will beat on a harder mode next time.

j'suis homophobe et pourtant j'ai chialé

Nice but not THAT great. For a dlc it's solid though.