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in the past

My favorite videogame moment so far this year focuses on the face of a teenage girl – freckled, flushed, screen-lit. She’s playing a broken arcade machine with her eyes closed, listening to her best friend narrate a Street Fighter fantasy. It’s an act of trust, of shared imagination. And in this moment, Ellie is seen.

Left Behind repurposes its AAA mechanics – the shooting (of waterguns), the lobbing (of bricks at cars), the quick-time-event (her face) – not for domination or survival but connection. It left me longing for entire games of altered verbs. Of fumbling connections. Games of seeing and being seen.

It’s quaint. I like it a lot and it was a lot of fun. Making small decisions was also really quaint too. The flashback story is really good and honestly I dont think they needed to have the current time parts like when she’s looking for the first aid kit. The combat encounters are more boring, you get barely any weapons but I guess there’s an appeal to that. Being underpowered having to try to be more stealthy. Which yeah sometimes in the og game I was like…. Really…. A flame thrower......... …. In a zombie apocalypse? Am I playing last of us or team fortress 2? Ya the enemy encounters are more badly designed except the fact that for the first time now zombies and human enemy npcs will appear at the same time and can do infighting. Cool as hell right? Well I guess it makes sense as to why they didn’t do it in the base game because both the zombie enemy AI and the human enemy AI are vastly under qualified to do something like this. Soooo many bugs so many glitches, my game crashed like 3 times, restarting encounters only for the zombies to not show up or just have a staring contest with the human NPCs. But man the flashback stuff with Riley… is the peak of this game and the last one. So freaking fun

The best thing The Last Of Us ever did was make a convincing zombie apocalypse setting, and showcase how people would actually react to it. While I certainly don't think The Last Of Us is as realistic since COVID happened, the world building, atmosphere, and characters still resonant pretty hard. Perhaps the best thing about Left Behind tho, is that it's all about the backdrop. Two characters just trying to live an old fashion normal life in this new hell world that requires survival as a number one priority. While there is still action and stealth in this game, the focus is entirely on character dynamics, and it works well for the story it's trying to tell. The game is fairly short as well, as you can beat this game in roughly 3 hours, but it's packed with more than enough lore and character moments that leave a far better impression than the original game itself.

Interested in what Naughty Dog could accomplish with better structured and more nuanced shorter works that take on this sort of efficiency. Three hour experiences that function not dissimilar to films or miniseries. With Left Behind the larger ideas of the base game are truncated and served in bite sized chunks, which punctuates the emotional brevity but also removes a sense of tension and buildup, making it all feel sort of serial, not unlike a television drama. There is a charm to that but it also makes it quite forgettable at the end of the day. I kinda just wish there were no enemies to fight; only these fleeting memories of interacting with the person Ellie once loved through button prompts and trivial "combat" sections.

Neil Druckmann’s Mallrats:
Two malls. One Ellie. Clickers Snickers.

Just the Two of Us:
Left Behind’s story is a nice run that juxtaposes the main game’s Winter segment with a specific moment in Ellie’s past. It’s brief, touching, and very intentional, but it’s also light on encounters. I’m glad to play more the Last of Us... I just want to play more the Last of Us.

Fr let's just wait it all poetic and shit. In fact, I waited 7 years after playing the main game to get around to this. Was it worth it? Absolutely.

they use splatoon 1 splattershot when Ellie and Riley have a water fight

Uma ótima adição q complementa o background da Ellie e com direito a momentos bem tocantes nas fases do passado, q são as melhores partes do jogo, já q os momentos atuais são bem mais do mesmo.

I really like Last of Us Left Behind. Ellie is a really great character and this filled in loads of worthwhile backstory. I am really excited to play Part II sometime soon. Really enjoyed this DLC a lol.

This review contains spoilers

This was a strong add-on that certainly makes up for its brief runtime. I love Ellie's character and how badass she is especially as a child, it's nice to see her as someone capable of holding her own whilst also maintaining some of the key characteristics that make a child character endearing and three dimensional. It's great to see that Naughty Dog didn't fall into the trap of making Ellie constantly whiny like a normal teenager but just in an apocalyptic setting, instead she's strong and understands and acts accordingly both to her age but also to the world around her. Its much more realistic that way.

I really liked the fact that most of the add-on is dedicated to telling the story of Riley and Ellie without too much of a focus on combat, its just two possibly more than friends joking around and having fun in a world where having fun could get you killed at any moment which one of them learns the hard way (Riley) and the other is effected by this loss to her core (Ellie) shaping the young girl we meet in TLOU. The friendship acts as a juxtaposition to the Ellie we meet between the stages after Joel gets shot and before he heals fully, it shows how harsh the world can be that it turns children into killing machines of both the dead and the living.

Overall, a fantastic add-on/expansion that pleasantly suprised me with how much I enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to getting around to Part 2 whenever I can and figuring out my opinion on that divisive and controversial game.

Não é meu gênero de jogo favorito, joguei como um esquenta pra série, mas apesar de não ser o tipo de jogo que mais gosto de jogar, tenho que dar créditos a história, que de longe, é o que mais me chamou atenção.

touching atmosphere! loved the arcade scene. had a fun 2 hours.

Curtinha mas agrega bastante a história e com uma conclusão bem satisfatória, fiquei até emocionado.

"We Can Be All Poetic And Lose Our Minds Together."

This caused such a stir when it came out. Aside from great gameplay, and a moving story, Ellie is fucking gay and now we all know it. Good Shit.

It was fun and if people had played the fucking thing they wouldnt be so fucking stupid about ellie being a lesbian in the last of us 2 god people are so dumb i hate it here

Just as good the second time, now with Part 1's upgraded graphics and quality of life improvements. While it may be short, it provides some much needed character development for Ellie and is a beautiful story in its own right. I think this is just as essential to fully appreciating Joel and Ellie's story as Part 1 is, and highly recommend you play this after Part 1 and before Part 2. An absolute gem.

I'm still shocked after all these years this is the first time I played the DLC. It was a wonderful addition to the main game that felt more like cut content than anything else.

Seeing Ellie & Riley in this light is literally everything I need right now; I wish there was more. 😭😭😭

I guess I should replay Last of Us Part II now? If only I had the time LOL

Full Review + Trophy Review and Tips Below

Left Behind is one of the rare DLC expansions that get it right and join great company like Undead Nightmare, Old Hunters, Minerva's Den and Blood and Wine. The Last of Us is a powerhouse narrative where you quickly become enamored with Ellie and her relationship with Joel. Through conversation you hear details about her past but never get the full story.

Left Behind fills in those gaps in a creative way, bridging current events with those that led to her getting bitten. The story picks up right after Joel is impaled at the University and shows us Ellie's journey to save him. Arriving at a mall, she begins searching for any medical supplies she can find and this begins her trip down memory lane.

Left Behind is definitely more story focused as the flashbacks take the majority of the game and is spent getting to know the relationship of Ellie and Riley. From the storytelling to the acting, they do a fantastic job making you care about their relationship, their falling out and their true feelings for each other. The fact that we know this story eventually leads to both of them getting bitten doesn't make that moment any less impacting.

The majority of the game-play elements take place in the present as you work to restore power to the mall, search for medical supplies and take out a group of hunters that discover you during the climax of the game. Ellie controls similar to the main game but is obviously under powered compared to Joel. You will fail almost 100% of the time by trying to take anyone on head first. Bottles and bricks are your biggest allies, as is head shots with your bow and arrow. A mechanic that was introduced (and further expanded on in The Last of Us Part II) is the ability to attract clickers and have them fight the human enemies. This all adds to a very satisfying game play loop that is an improvement to the original.

Left Behind is a must play story for any The Last of Us fan. Since it is already included in the PS4 remastered version, there is no excuse to not take an evening to play this emotional and beautiful story. It adds so much to who Ellie is, feeds into the actions she eventually takes and those that you come to see play out in the Last of Us Part I and II.

Her biggest fear is being left behind as the people around her continue to die and she, even bitten, is the one that continues to survive. That survivors guilt and emotional trauma along with the need for her life to have meaning after all she has endured sets up her journey in the Last of Us Part II in a beautiful and tragic way.

Difficulty: 4/10
Time: 3 hours
Trophy Guide: Recommended
Trophy List Score: 8/10

There are 10 trophies (9 Bronze and 1 Silver) and almost half of them are obtained just by playing on Survivor mode. The rest will come from collectibles, optional conversations and a few mini games which mainly have to do with beating Riley. This list is much better than the main game for the simple reason that it can all be done in one run and that you can choose Survivor from the start. The trophies complement the story which is always the sign of a good list and Left Behind is one of the best DLC stories out there.

- You can restart from checkpoint if you failed one of the mini games, the only one you can't is the water gun battle.
- In the water gun battle, don't wait until Riley pops up to shoot. Start shooting water around her area to hopefully get her while she is hiding or just as she popping up.
- Throwing a bottle at an enemy and rushing in for a quick kill is clutch to beat the last encounter.
- You can use chapter select for anything you missed.

Happy Trophy Hunting!

The game says to beat the story before playing this, but I definitely think you shouldn't. Play up to when winter comes (THE bunny scene) and then play this. The ending of TLoU spoils it and I think it's far more impactful if you don't know what to expect.

Anyway, I really wanted to play this to satiate my appetite for more Last of Us, but it was a little too short for that. I wanted more game with story interspersed, but it's really more story with game interspersed. There were also some small gameplay improvements that I noticed and appreciated, but with how short it is, there's not much more than an appreciation.

This does resolve me to want to play Part 2 more, though, because I really think Ellie is a much more interesting character to follow and play as.

I honestly had a much more enjoyable experience with Left Behind than the base game, mainly because due to the shorter timeframe, I feel as if Naughty Dog focused less on the long term game constraints of ammo management and constant push/pull between stealth and open action, and focused more on just inserting you in the moment. The narrative of Ellie's backstory alongside Riley is run parallel with Ellie's desperate search for supplies in the mall, and both manage to capture and display Ellie's emotions quite well. While there still are combat sequences, I especially like that there were plenty of supplies to create traps for enemies (and because you're playing as Ellie, no need to worry about running out of shivs for clickers), and that there were in fact a couple of instances where I could just bait the zombies into fighting the hunters for me, something that I wish was more present in the base game. Maybe the worst part is that the stealth can still be a little inconsistent at times, and there were a couple of instances where clickers still caught me just standing still with minimal noise or a hunter/runner somehow spotted me across the map, especially in the final confrontation. In particular, the final confrontation almost reminded me of how much of a slog combat in the main game felt (considering how concise and honestly well thought out the previous action sequences felt to me), but fortunately there are plenty of supplies as well as a deus ex machina to alleviate this sequence. Overall, Naughty Dog realizes that there is less time to make an impact in their DLC, and they deliver on their premise quite well due to these constraints.

For me, a perfect DLC. Gave more development for Ellie’s character and helped bridge the gap between Joel bleeding out and the winter section of the game. The addition of distracting infected and getting them to fight humans was also a great design choice and a very fun mechanic, just a shame it couldn’t be used more. The DLC doesn’t overstay it’s welcome either, it develops Ellie’s character a little more, bridges a story gap, then ends, I couldn’t ask for anything more.

A good add on to the original TLOU story. Adds some extra depth to Ellie's character that is appreciated. However it does feel as though the scenes that take place with Ellie protecting Joel were simply cut from the base game and thrown in to make this DLC longer (probably not the case). Overall a fun experience for people who want extra story.

Not really much to talk about here gameplay-wise but it's a great narrative coda to the main game that transitions the first game's focus on Joel into the second's on Ellie. Great music, performances, and presentation as you'd expect. Nothing really groundbreaking but very well put together.

Surprisingly touching, difficult but fair, and seamlessly integrated into the main game and its story.

Still probably my favorite piece of DLC ever released. I don't even consider this DLC to be honest because, to me, this is an essential companion piece to The Last of Us and the story told here is insanely integral to Ellie's character, who is essentially the franchise's lead. I adore both parts of The Last of Us, but Left Behind will always be my favorite thing to come out of the series. Bias comes into play here of course, but I really do think Naughty Dog delivered an absolutely magnetic 2 hours with this, and I'm glad it's seemingly going to get the love and recognition it deserves in the HBO adaptation.

Don't go </3

Essa DLC trás duas aventuras da Ellie que não vimos no game principal, de uma forma geral aprofunda bem mais a personagem, não trás quase nada de novo em gameplay, tem um desfecho satisfatório.

Buen DLC que aporta trasfondo a la historia y, sobre todo, al personaje de Ellie. Me he quedado con ganas de más.

When I finished The Last of Us, I let out a deep sigh. A fantastic game, for sure, but one caught in the trappings of AAA games to the point of harming its own creative vision. I wished for a shorter, more focused game that played to TLoU’s strengths: its characters, the tense encounters with few but deadly zombies and its beautifully constructed world.

In Left Behind, I found that game.

A DLC eventually made into a standalone expansion, Left Behind takes place between chapters 8 and 9 of the main game, when Ellie scavenges the abandoned shopping mall for supplies. As she does so, she reminisces about the time when she was in military school, weeks before the main game began, and we get to see her last interactions with Riley, a character she mentions by name a few times over the course of the story.

It’s a short but sweet storyline that adds so much to what is already a fantastic character. Ellie is struggling to understand her own feelings as she lives through the awkward phase between childish innocence and adulthood, and mall reflects the clash between these two things at all times: stores selling dolls against beauty parlors filled with cosmetics. Children’s movie posters along images of mature, sexualized women. The Last of Us’s brilliant environment design, which already shone through the entirety of the main game, shines even brighter here.

Even if it didn’t, the pure, budding romance between Ellie and Riley might have carried the DLC by itself, as it is beautifully realized. These are two girls who have never known normal, who have been in this ruined world for their entire lives, yet, in opposition to the world outside, cling on to their hope. A seed that sprouts on the most barren of soils.

I wish more of this Ellie had carried on to the sequel, but unfortunately that didn’t happen. Oh well.