Reviews from

in the past

I know nothing about this game, but the dude on the cover alone is iconic

detective brent halligan might be the worst cop on the planet. in order to get a few coins so you can use a payphone, you have to go to your police station's lab, fill a flask with poison and feed it to a homeless man to steal all the money he has. the game does not offer any suggestion in any way that you might have to do this, but it is literally the only way to progress. it plays this completely straight like this is a normal reasonable thing to do to someone

Yay: Dry humor

Nay: Moon logic

This somewhat unhinged game kept me entertained through most of its runtime. I was not ashamed to have a guide handy, and neither should you be if you check it out.

eu joguei com a minha namorada me guiando com um walkthrough, pois esses são os puzzles mais obtusos e sem sentido que eu já vi na vida. com esse estresse mitigado, acabou que eu me diverti um tanto. é um jogo esquisito com um humor surpreendentemente efetivo, sendo ele transmitindo nos diálogos e nas soluções absurdas, de forma as vezes intencional, as vezes acidental.
a reta final meio que diminuiu o humor pra poder concluir o plot esquisito de druidas, o que me deixou menos empolgada, mas isso veio logo depois deles literalmente terem viajado no tempo, então talvez o pico do absurdo já tinha sido ultrapassado.

I want to strangle Brent Halligan.

Uses the adventure game genre as the framework for the craziest character interactions ever conceived. Most of the puzzles are stupid, but they're generally solvable (none of them would ever be done by any actual human in reality, though). The biggest issue is actually the pixel hunting, which can be annoying at times. The engine has some technical issues too, but as long as you stay in the application without tabbing out, it's survivable (even when it feels like it could crash at any second).
Looking forward to playing the more genuine House of Tales games.

i do love the idea of a point & click detective protagonist who's just an absolute sociopath in a completely unintended way

It's goddawful in so many ways, took too much effort to get working, needed a guide for every step of the way, and you know what? I still had fun.

Eh. The game is so bizarre that the dialogues and cutscenes become really enjoyable, but the puzzle logic is just too abstract and overall the game is not fun to play at all. Unless you are on a quest to play every point and click game or somehow stuck in a room with only the mystery of the druids, I recommend just watching mandalore's video on it, which has most of the good parts.

The music is cool though. If you really want to play this, I highly recommend to find the 2001 version with the old soundtrack (It's not the version on GOG sadly), its amazing. And then listen to The Hooded Ones albums The Present and The Past. Thank me later.