Reviews from

in the past

I mean honestly I was surprised by how much time I let this game take from me but I realised the actual amount of time I played was minute compared to the amount of time I was just waiting in the lobby for a game that’s not even a year old.

But I think the wait time is reasonable when you look at the gameplay mechanics because there is 0 replayability with this game, because once you pick up on the 3 Items the victims side has to offer and a half decent character out of the 6 to choose from there’s basically nothing to do other than get some enjoyment out of leading the killers into stupid places.

With a game like this that’s only a year old tho, I’m kinda always seeing how could they improve this because it is being actively updated and I think the only thing to do is more content, more characters that you don’t have to pay for because that’s the stupidest thing ever, more maps and with those maps more map specific items and different strategies. Maybe even a way to fight the killers like Friday the 13th.

I really haven’t talked about my killer experience but since the lobby’s are so empty you either get some pro who can just escape and hide all
Game since he knows every map like the back of his hand, or sometimes you get someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing and get a false sense of gratification but most of the time you’re just wandering around or waiting at the exit for them.

I think this shows how much certain game developers are happy to completely give up on a project and just rinse and release instead of actually trying to fix it and it’s a shame really because it’s not like the game has no potential.

Я пыталась поймать тут те же ощущения что и в пятнице 13-е. Но увы, настроения нет. Права куплены только на первую часть фильма, так что много отсебятины разработчиков в игре. В какой-то момент мне просто стало скучно в нее играть, даже с друзьями.

another fun asym game that just has the absolute fucking worst dev team in existence that take weeks to churn out bug fixes
luv Connie though

only got this for my friend, seriously dead

this with the boys? greatness on a different level mode, other players figured out how to cheese too quickly tho

muito potencial jogado fora, mas me diverti jogando

I applaud the proper usage of the source material, the design and animations of the characters and their mannerisms are pulled straight out of the movie, visually impressive as well, and I love how you unlock bonus material from behind the scenes of the movie.

My main issue with this type of games, Dead By Daylight clones, is that you if you play one of them, you practically played them all. Apparently the classic slasher movies are all meeting the same fate of being turned into DbD clones, it happened to Friday the 13th a while back and every horror character without a standalone game is just dumped into DbD as a DLC, such a shame, as I think these characters and stories have so much more potential to be exploited in a different type of game, like Alien Isolation.

I guess it is one of those games that you may be able to enjoy more by playing with friends, but the problem is not getting friends, the problem is arranging the play sessions with friends. You may have fun playing solo with randoms online for about to matches and then it gest boring, one map, very repetitive, all the same.

By the way, from about 10 matches total that I played, I never got to pick Leatherface because someone always beat me to it, that system is bad! I don't agree with it.

downright offensive pass at a TCM game oh my god

I love the source material but this game fell flat to me

wasted $60 on this only to play it for like 5 hours

Très bon concept mais souffre d'une attente conséquente entre les matchs. Un équillibre très fragile (en se moment le jeu n'est plus équillibré). Mais aussi un manque de contenue après 4 mois de sortie.

Really good sense (I was used to dead by daylight). If you like chopping people in half this is the game for you!

Fun but repetitive, this game radiates summer

dont fuck with me when im playing johnny

Quite fun, definitely recommend this with a group of friends.

thought it was single player

I need to realize Friday the 13th is dead and can't be replicated

I don't particularly like these asymmetric horror games. This one was fun tho. The flavor of Texas Chain Saw helped me enjoy the game. It gave some grounding and themeing to what I'm playing. The gameplay was fine. Solid mid game to play on game pass.


Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

A great game in theory but there isn't much to it, and it has so many tiny issues that it leads to this being a death by 1000 cuts situation. And to top it off the Devs get really apprehensive when you bring up any issues with the game, recently a player asked when the next update was in response to a post about the next updates release date and the head dev mocked him for it. Yeah the question was redundant but you don't go and mock your own playerbase over that.

I may return if the next real DLC is any good, but as it stands I don't have much optimism for the games future and fully expect it to get abandoned later this year, and for the devs to then blame the gamers and lack any self awareness.

the dedication to the production design is absolutely commendable.

me arrependo em partes de ter comprado porém é bem legal mas repetitivo

Fantastic idea, really good execution, terrible monetization scheme, makes it really hard to pick up again because the only new content will cost you as much as other full games while only giving you a CHANCE to play it

Texas Chainsaw Massacre have so beautiful graphics.

Étant un grand Fan du jeu Friday je ne pouvais qu'attendre ce nouveau jeu. Au début, j'ai pris énormément de plaisir à le découvrir les graphismes sont beaux, c'est drôle, mais après quelques semaines / mois, j'ai ouvert les yeux sur les plusieurs points négatifs du jeu et y en a énormément. Le jeu innove avec un 3 Vs 4 l'idée est sympa sur le papier, mais à exploiter ça fait mal, car clairement les développeurs n'arrivent pas à bien équilibrés les 2 côtés et ça fait mal, car ça décourage beaucoup. 2e point négatifs les menues on passe plus de temps dans le menu que dans le jeu, car soit on s'échappe en 2 secondes soit on meurt en 2 secondes et les menus sont long à charger donc on passe réellement plus de temps dans les menues que dans le jeu. Les derniers points négatifs le temps entre les mises à jour de contenu une attente de 3-4 mois pour un survivant qui coute 10 € un tueur qui coute 10 € et une nouvelle map déjà je trouve que les prix sont clairement abusé, car au total pour la mises à jour, c'est 20 € et bien évidemment si tu payes bah tu détruis les gens, car les personnages sont horriblement cheater ce qui fait que ce jeu est clairement Pay to win. Fâcheusement le jeu est bon, mais subit un mauvais traitement