Reviews from

in the past

This game is the tipping point for when licensed games started to be treated like action figures or promotional material, it's only to capitalize off of the success of the aforementioned franchise rather than make something of quality.

Pretty awful game, but at least the gameplay is fun for 10-15 minutes. Wizard's games were pretty interesting because they were trying to make a popular movie-based game, and they're really only the same in name. I know that the Atari 2600 wouldn't tolerate much more than this, but this game is pretty bad. There isn't too much to say about this game, you just walk forward and avoid obstacles to chainsaw people, and its pretty fun for a brief high score.

I wont explain anything all I will say is the mental image of Bubba "Leatherface" Jedidiah Sawyer Jr getting smacked in the face over and over and over by fences and wheelchairs is funny even if the game is kind of awful

One of the rawest games ever made with a style evocative of the exploitation violence of the original. What is a better mediation on violence in media the having you literally play as a killer? No story, no defense, no humanity just a bleak abstract apocalypse of violence. The logical endpoint of gaming.

It's playable. The chainsaw design is unreal.

Surreal, mindless, endless, pixelated violence. It didn't need to exist, but that's why they made it. Makes it no less over-the-top brutal with it's graphics that can only be described as 4-bit.

Good for speed-runners, (IE me and like 3 other people worldwide) but very grueling

the scream sound effect is honest to god one of the worst things I've ever had the displeasure to hear through my ear holes.