Reviews from

in the past

i mean it's okay
it just sucks that nothing of S1 and S2 matters here
but eh, its an okay story, i like javier

Во второй раз больше понравилось, но персы местами такие тупые...

Derailed a bit from clematines story but it was still a good game

Honestamente, é incrível como esse jogo decaiu em relação aos dois primeiros.

Rebaixar a Clementine a um personagem secundário e colocar novos personagens que, apesar de não ser ruins, não são os melhores que a franquia teve até agora. Focar a história em um drama familiar extremamente mau desenvolvido e desinteressante, além de novamente, as suas escolhas não terem tanto impacto na narrativa, pra mim foram os principais pontos negativos.

O jogo tem uma boa evolução gráfica e visual e possui alguns momentos interessantes e de tensão, mas infelizmente nenhum deles é suficiente para tornar a história memorável como eu acho a do primeiro. Porém, uma coisa eu tenho que ressaltar, os vilões desse jogo são melhores que os dos jogos anteriores.

Não é um ruim, mas tinha potencial pra ser uma experiência muito melhor.

i couldn't care less for javier and his family, i gave these new characters a chance but, they're so one dimensional it's crazy.

thank god clemetine shows up in the third chapter of the first act or else this would've been a complete waste of time

totalmente dispensável, personagens com um carisma de um copo, só não dei nota menor porque tem a Clementine

There were probably better ways to expand the story, season 2 left many paths for Clementine, kinda would have liked to see those explored a little more. Its the worst out of the series, but its not bad.

I do not remember anything from this game...

Defo the worst one I feel like it means nothing

Celui que j’ai le moins aimé des 4, des personnages nouveaux attachants : Jarvis et Jesus sinon c’est ciao.

Une POV de Clem Que je réclame au file de mon gameplay, je ne suis pas déçu.

Ou est Jarvis ?

Segue a qualidade de The Walking Dead da Telltale, sem medo ou misericórdia. Apresentando personagens que você amar, apenas pra tirar eles de você. Clem sempre maravilhosa.

(WOULDNT RECOMMEND IF YOU PLAY ON LAPTOP OR PC GAMEPLAY IS HORRIBLE) honestly this one is waaayy harder then the past ones, they changed the controlls in this game making it almost impossible for people on pc or laptop to play
so for people who play on laptop it will most definetly be very glichy for you therefor making the gameplay so so hard. i love the first two walking dead games and im sure this one has just as good of a storyline its just the gameplay ruins it for me

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The Walking Dead: A New Frontier is a heavily misunderstood game however there is still some problems within this game.

Telltale Games absolutely BAITED us with ending of the second game making us have truly multiple different endings that felt that was gonna lead into the third game being MULTIPLE things but ultimately within the opening stages of playing as Clementine whatever ending you got in the second game that character/story died in some weird/dramatic way leading Clementine to Javier's story.

Which leads to our next point this game was not Clementine's story and Telltale Games heavily promoted this as the next chapter in Clem's story when ultimately Clem was more of a side character in this game

Which we can see why this was the case leading towards the next Walking Dead game which was the final game within the series.

Telltale made Javier Garcia because they wanted the story we got within this game to lead into multiple different games focused only on Javi.

I don't think Telltale Games truly realized how much of a fanbase Clementine had because of the decision of making this a Javi game really made people dislike it because they came for Clem's story not Javi's.

They made this in hopes to continue the games and the plan failed due to Telltale in all honesty

Something like this should've came after Clem's story came to a end or just keep Clem away from this entirely.

We shouldn't have been lead to believe this game to be the many things we thought it was going to be from how season 2 ended

People truly thought it was gonna be absolute peak also due to the fact that this took a VERY long time to come out after season 2.

It put these characters and story in a awkward place because these characters we see in the third game had a lot potential and honestly very interesting what Telltale was cooking with all of these characters.

It's just 2 different stories that didn't need to be in ONE product.

It's like Pokemon and Digimon making a game together.. two different things and it didn't make sense.

That being said I did really enjoy Javier's story and all the choices that A New Frontier offered because example there is a character named Conrad and you can get him to survive the entire game or get him killed in every episode felt truly Telltale or what a Telltale game is suppose to be.

Sucks we'll never see these characters ever again due to poor decisions and poor marketing.

aqui caiu um pouquinho mas é bom do mesmo jeito

lembra quando eles fizeram tudo que voce fez no jogo passado nao importar? pois é

A game so bad and stupid that it's...kinda decent? I guess time has been kinder to this one than I thought, as I loathed it entirely back in 2017. But with the combination of hindsight and the following game correcting (most) of this game's mistakes, I'm much more forgiving of it. But I'd still love to know just what the hell Telltale was thinking when making certain parts of this sloppy mess of a game.

You play as Clementine again, someone who was a timid little girl and now is an absolute badass. Story was interesting and the characters you meet are good. Won’t be as good as the other 2 seasons but still a good play through.

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this game is not good at all but it isnt terrible the forced romance between javi and kate really brings the story down it just left me with thinking...what was the point ??? javi is a great character though...

filler total, só personagem que a gente não liga e a clem

es la peor d todas pero en verdad me gusto me cae re bien javi pero igual lo unico salvable e importante d esta temporada es clementine 💪

idk why people hate this game I actually enjoyed it 😭

Il est cool lui, au moins y avait des vraies conséquences à nos choix, enfin plus que dans les autres opus. Ce qu'ils ont fait à Mariana est criminel par contre c'est abusé

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Man I forgot how much I love these games, I dont get the negativity around this one, I think it was fantastic. Sure it wasnt as good as S2, but I fell in love with these characters.

Don't sleep on this game, worth playing 100% if you liked S1 and S2.

I love that the game wants you to hate david at first, and you start to think hes gonna be the big bad guy, but nope, hes just got a temper and some flaws, but hes a good brother at the end of the day. I am happy with the ending I got, Kate and Gabe survived, but sadly david died. I wish I got to say goodbye to him but he got a good send off with Havi and kate burying his tags.

its overhated, but i get why. Despite having a decent plot and dialogue, i couldn’t really care less for Javi (though i did like his character) . I felt like this should’ve been more of a continuation of clementine’s story. I didn’t like the different endings, i felt like they were completely rushed.

Bom? O jogo conta a história de uma família Mexicana que busca sobrevivência nesse mundo Apocalíptico(Literalmente a mesma coisa do Fear of the Walking Dead). O jogo tem realmente escolhas que impactam na obra, tanto que tem diversos finais, porém nos episódios finais eu não me lembro de uma única vez que eu cheguei a jogar com o Javi, o jogo praticamente não tem jogabilidade, é só cutscene e QTE.

✔ Algunos personajes y locaciones son interesantes.
ⓘ La ilusión de hacer elecciones se atenúa.
╳ Notorios desaciertos en el guión.

Não acho o jogo horrível, mas também não posso dizer que é uma boa temporada. O núcleo de novos personagens são bem mais ou menos, tendo muitos momentos em que nem ao menos conseguimos criar afeição por certos personagens antes deles morrerem (quando são mortes que não podemos evitar). Acho que se não fosse pela presença da Clem, esse jogo teria sido um fracasso. Sem contar que o visual também peca em vários momentos, chegando a parecer que certos personagens são feitos de argila.