Reviews from

in the past

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Pure ass. Why does this exist? Why do you need to walk back and forth to your locker and guess which items you will need next since you can only carry two at a time? Why do all the characters have different locker combinations that all open the same locker? Why does it end with a didactic lesson for kids telling them to do their homework? Why didn't this little chump just do his homework in the several hours he and his friends spent wandering around in the empty school looking for time machine parts?

Recomendado para ese primito que te tiene hasta la madre, solo para que veas su reacción esperando un juego divertido y se termine dando cuenta que es una porquería super aburrida

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"Big Adventure"? How could it be one when it all ends in Plucky crashing into a wall even though the box art shows him successfully riding his time machine bike... what a waste of a fun premise.