Reviews from

in the past

it's really nice to spend fifteen minutes playing this cute little game. the problem is that by the twentieth minute there is nothing to do in it, and you never run it again

it's quite nice to spend half an hour on this game, it's cute and relaxing, but there's nothing in it that won't make you delete it on the same day

No tiene misiones, historia o acción... es un juego para relajarse, construir un poblado a la mitad del mar e imaginar cómo sería vivir ahí. Es bonito, entretenido y único.

Its ok, little more basic than I expected to be honest. Building is extremely limited and the grid you are forced to build on has a weird pattern for some reason.

Very simple and because of that simplicity it is very relaxing. It doesn't have any goal other than creating whatever you want in your head, and lacks any controls other than left click to add and right click to remove. It's something that I can see myself going back to whenever I want to kill some time and relax.

Played this at first for the easy achievements but ended up coming back to it for the relaxation. Many times I’d be stressed out due to classes and this game helped unwind.

the unbothered city builder we all need. none of this in-game currencies, resource management, waiting for timers to tick down, messing up your flow... just Cubes and Tiles, pure and simple

a fun little game to play when bored

this game is the reason i almost failed my high school maths class

Yep. I don't know what to say except that I'm addicted to League of Legends.

Didn't really get much out of it that much but my girlfriend loves it.

This is sort of a simple toy. There’s no goal, you just create a city. The controls are incredibly simple: You press A to place a block, and press B to remove a block. The only customisation you have is colour.

As you place blocks, they will morph into buildings and other structures depending on the surrounding blocks. There are some cool hidden things to find based on specific shapes.

Unfortunately, this is also the biggest limitation of the game: the game has its own set of rules. If you want to create something specific, you will be constantly fighting the game and the game will win. You can’t decide when you want a road or a building, and things like ramps are impossible to make – there’s a lot of room you can build vertically, but you can only create layers of buildings with more roads on top (sometimes even when you don’t want one). The grid the game works on is also curved and random, so even getting the shape you want can be difficult.

Townscaper works well as a 10-20 minute idle distraction where you just place blocks and see what happens, but for actually making a town of your own, it’s just a pain.

Acompanhei o desenvolvimento desse com o dev no twitter de início ao fim e aí comprei, muito bom pra relaxar

just a game, defenitelly one of games

Holy shit this game is boring as hell. It looks so much better when watching someone else play it.

If your looking for easy achievements this is a game u wanna play.
But apart from that the gameplay is quite shit. Really all u need to say about this game.

Pretty calm and relaxing builder game that is actually really fun to mess around in for a few hours but after a bit it gets somewhat boring.

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #16

Jogo legalzinho, joguei mais pra pegar a platina ( sei lá eu tava meio lelé da cuca na época que joguei )
Obs: platinei em 32min

Muito legal mesmo a programação de como as construções interagem com as outras! Me diverti várias vezes construindo castelos e vilas. Poderiam fazer atualizações para aprimorar uma possível gameplay após a construção. Mas realmente muito legal mesmo ficar viajando nas construções enquanto escuta um podcast, por exemplo.

really simple building game, would like some choice in what you build but i do enjoy discovering the variety by just clicking about

É menos um jogo e mais um pequeno projeto de criação, mas é engraçado como é interessante. Você deve colocar alguns terrenos e, baseado no que há em volta em relação a prédios, agua ou altura, o sistema adapta as construções. Joguei apenas por alguns minutos, mas acredito que ele me deu a diversão pelo que se propôs a fazer.

This isn't really a game, as the game itself points out, but it's an easy way to get 1000 gamerscore extremely quick. As for what it's trying to be, there's really not a whole lot of customization or really cool things you can do, but I'm sure there are people out there that this game is for.


have gotten to a stage in life where i don't need to use this game as a coping mechanism anymore. kind of bittersweet, really. my ex tried to get back together with me yesterday and i said no. if it were even a month ago i would have jumped at the chance. even if i'm not as obsessed with it, townscaper will always be so close to my heart.

Not really a game, but a fun way to kill a little time.


feeling a lot better (despite my current illness). looking forward to Christmas and having a jolly and gay time. have been using my newly free time to work on my personal projects instead of stew in my mental illness and it's really helping. yippee!!