Reviews from

in the past

Western culture loves its fair share of picking random elements from intricate and complex cultures, throwing them into a big cauldron and slapping the pejorative "primitive" on it. Like, they've been telling is it's kinda wrong on many levels to use that term since like, the nineteenth century. how did we not all get the memo at this point

The reggaeton track is quite the cherry on top. Go slay brother, twerk with that PRIMITIVE arse of urs !! Hear how TRIBAL, how ESOTIC this music is. It has stick sounds, stone sounds, water sounds, bamboo sounds, you name it.

Why do I care? This is a made-up setting, so anything should go in term of music; in reality though, this kind of sound selection only enforces how limited and western-centric your cultural vision is: anything that isn't europe or north america is seen as one big cultural pool by way too many individuals, so one of the most popular contemporary genres with its roots in latin america is your soundtrack for killing fish with a spear, picking up herbs and having mystic visions.

And yes, the game's pretty boring. It's not even that much sandbox considering most buildings are premade builds whose only thing left to decide is the spot on the map. Not my cup o' tea