Reviews from

in the past

The fighting mechanics were way better than the first 2 games. Graphically sound. But even on the easier difficulties some sections were seemingly way too hard for what the mission was asking.
Other than that, it was solid for my first time every playing this game. Probably won’t replay. Like ever.

Pacing muito esquisito... E regride muita coisa do segundo game da franquia... Mas experimenta muita coisa interessante

Enjoyable just not as strong as the others, well actually in comparison to 1 it’s a masterpiece

Depois do segundo jogo, o patamar e a expectativa com certeza aumentaram. É um ótimo jogo, começa muito bem e termina bem. O maior problema desse jogo está em seus antagonistas mesmo. Introduziu um multi-player FABULOSO e um modo cooperativo daora.

o terceiro uncharted e o terceiro melhor uncharted na minha opiniao

Replay ⏪
4.25 / 5.
Another fantastic addition to the franchise despite not reaching the heights of Uncharted 2 or 4.
Some great sequences and funny moments, but there's a couple of things I don't like in this one.

Effortlessly gorgeous, yet somewhat abundant of the gaming-cinematic script maelstrom. The stunning plane sequence comes to mind, the ease of buttery-smooth third person combat is marvelous and it's such an atmospherically dandy campaign. However... How many hours have i burnt into this mother's multiplayer- Nothing else gave me an insane amount of dopaminic joy like achieving a perfect headshot or ranking up grenade kills on those servers. Extra star for those priceless MP times.


a gameplay melhorou, a história melhorou e o final foi uma graça!! ansiosa pra jogar o quatro

Um grande jogo, para mim o melhor Uncharted.

It’s good but not as good as 2. The puzzles are the best up until this point in the series but I found the combat really frustrating at times and the whole pace of the story kind of odd and disjointed. A bit lackluster but there’s some great moments sprinkled in.

A solid game in the series that is sadly surrounded by 2 games that are both better than it in every way. Still better than 1 tho

Gameplay genérica de Jogo da Naughty Dog. Odeio fã da Sony que endeusa essa merda.

The summer blockbuster of the franchise.

No se si m’agrada més que el 2, es un debat intern que sempre tindré. Chateau.

O terceiro jogo de uncharted manteve e melhorou todos os pontos fortes do seu antecessor. Excelente narrativa, bons gráficos e uma ótima jogabilidade. (O jogo tem algumas referências ao cinema que são bem legais)

I found it weaker than part 2. This was mainly due to the fact that the setting wasn't quite as unique as in its predecessor and the focus was too much on action and shooting again. The second game simply had a certain melancholy that was lost in the third. Nevertheless, I had a great time with it and would recommend it to any fan. But after the credits rolled, I really had enough of Uncharted for a time.

The movement and animations are so goddamn perfected. Everything feels scripted at the same time as everything feels like it's all you.

But the hit boxes are infuriating. And some sections are just way too long. That whole shipyard part killed my mood so fucking fast, and it never really got it back.

Simulador de andar por el desierto.

One of the greatest PS3 titles

Probably my favorite of the PS3 trilogy, but just slightly. I love the story and the gameplay is even better than in 2. If the franchise ended here I wouldn't complain.

such a underrated gem. Salim is really a goat and he's barely in the game

Better than average but this game just has nothing to say. Very predictable and honestly pretty easy in comparison to the others but also it feels like this game REALLLLLY wanted to impress you so they lock you in these "playable" cutscenes that just show off the graphics.