Reviews from

in the past

one of the best BRs forgotten about

Best BR, Its not close, Died cause retards have brainrot

A Battle Royal set in the universe of Vampire the Masquerade. I have been playing this game for a couple of months and I must say it was a good expirience.

The best aspect of the game has to be the setting and visual aspects of it. Praha matches really well with the universe of Vampire the Mascaquerade.

Gameplay wise the gunplay it's simple but effective in some Battle Royales the constant updates on the guns are meaningless altering some stats on the guns while not changing gameplay much. In this BR the guns are "generic archtypes" while simple, all of them have its use.

The game itself feels nice and fluid, the movement in the city is great and encourages teamplay.

The mayor issue of this game it's the discontinuity of the development and the huge amout of cheaters since the game doesn't have a working anticheat atm.

The game it's free and runs on most medium range pc's so you can have a couple of games and maybe get interestes in Vampire the Masquerade universe. But be aware that the game is slowly dying and servers will be closed in 1-2 years.

papo reto é isso que acontece quando resolvem pegar uma franquia classica e surfar no hype de estilo de jogo (battle royale, na época) isso é injogável de ruim

El joc és realment divertit i té una identitat pròpia; tant pel que fa a la jugabilitat com pel que fa a l'ambientació. El timing del llançament del videojoc ha estat una putada; un nou Battle Royale anys després del boom del gènere, una volta l'escena està saturada pels principals competidors (Fortnite, Apex, Warzone, etc.) han abocat el videojoc a que 2 anys després del llançament original del joc s'hagin cancel·lat les actualitzacions i els desenvolupadors mantinguin únicament les tasques de manteniment dels servidors.

Una pena, el joc és molt divertit, té una temàtica única i a més, expandeix la franquícia que tant estimo de Vampire: The Masquerade a l'escena dels videojocs.

En fi, qui sap, potser encara hi ha esperança, potser el videojoc tornarà a patir un boom de jugadors que farà que els desenvolupadors continuïn actualitzant el joc. Potser això no és el final.

Personally, I had a tad bit of fun playing this but I wouldn't really recommend this game at least to fans of World of Darkness/Vampire: the Masquerade.

They ceased development of the game mid last year also so its not like there's really gonna be any new large content updates.

So much potential. Probably my favourite battle royale game ever. Such a shame it is the way it is.


a confusing entry but a decent attempt

i dont even remember this shit

Gostei da customização, e o passe de batalha é 100% gratuito. Pena que as partidas estão cheias de bots.

Movement is done better than most games and whoever is behind the designs of outfits/skins is genius.

well, this seemed like it could be pretty fun at first glance. i like the idea of having to uphold the masquerade with normal human npcs hanging around in a pvp setting, battle royale or otherwise. the hub area even seems like a cool little hangout between matches... but then i run into the brujah primogen talking about destroying anarchs (via diablerie, no less) and i'm like... oh, ok, this is some fuckin cammy propaganda.

anarchs for life. pass.

- Basically a PUBG style open hunting game.
- Outside of the vampire mechanics and the ability to climb walls, it doesn't really differentiate itself that much from others in the same genre.

The game is nice, and it’s really sad that the project is closing. I wish more people played it. It is fun.

Good game until streamers found it.

Ventrue made this game super frustrating would probably be a 3.5 without it

Descobri que era legal tarde demais...

The game is dead and gone, so this doesn't make much of a difference, but god why did they do this? I swear, the WoD is cursed to never make a functional game again.

They have this huge TTRPG that heavily emphasizes role playing and world building, and a well-known video game adaptation of that TTRPG is considered one of the best role playing games ever created. (VTMB)

So then why did Paradox think "ya know what we need? A fortnite!"? Nothing about VTM the Tabletop game, nor the core fanbase of the World of Darkness, screams Battle Royale to me.

But here's the thing; the game was actually kinda good from a BR perspective. The movement was fast and snappy, the environment of Prague was beautiful, dark, and interesting to traverse, and the different archetypes lead to a lot of interesting ways to play.

But, if you stick your core VTM/WoD fanbase, who I will remind you is accustomed to role-playing, in the same match as a bunch of Battle Royale veteran, 200 inputs a second try-hards, you are going to alienate that core fanbase. And what choice did Sharkmob have? There was little to no marketing for this game, and the player base was dropping constantly, so they had to loop any remaining players into the same game; this effectively meant that there was essentially no matchmaking, and the problem would only be solved if more people played the game.

I think they bit off way more than they could chew, and Paradox did very little to set them up for success.

This really wasn't the IP to use for your battle royale.
Atleast this got further than Nosgoth did, I had some fun with it.

Encore une fois un Battle Royal qui essaye d'innover en termes de gameplay mais encore une fois ça marche pas et ce fait écraser par la concurrence. Le jeu avait de bonnes idées, mais une fois quelques games passées bah on s'ennuie, car les bonnes idées du jeu sont en faites très secondaire et donc on se retrouve avec un Battle Royal simple et basique

It came and went away silently within a year or so. Had a shit optimization. I had enough patience to plat it on PS5 knowing that it'd eventually die and at some point it'd be unobtainable.

The traversal was cool. Characters were shifty and that actually elevated gunplay quite a lot. I liked the vampire classes and the perks that you could obtain during the game. As well as the city's artistic design. Despite all these, it was going to die and everybody knew. Can't elaborate further than that. It's hard to survive in a bloodhunt where there are already bunch of great battle royales already. Bunch of good ideas went to the grave.

Divertido e promissor, battleroyale divertido em meio ao mar de jogos monótonos atuais

oh god

this game could have been so much more had it not been to the way it was handled. the supernatural aspects of a vampire battle royale is really cool, where you'd have to find humans and make sure they're alone to not trigger a bloodhunt, in which everyone knows about your location, alongside the supernatural abilities of drinking human blood. however...
this game's meta ended up leaning towards movement being favored heavily over accuracy, and melees being favored over guns. for a game where you can climb any building in Prague and be extremely far away from others, you'd be surprised to know that that is the playstyle, especially in the end game where everyone camps a corner and waits for the collapse

the matchmaking time is AWFUL, like, 5-10 mins each time to get into a game, convoluted UI, all cosmetics locked behind a F2P system (again) and cross-play only working for people you play against, meaning your friends on a different platform can't play with you, not to mention that you have to have a ray-tracing enabled card to run the game even if you plan to never use ray tracing. this game could have been so much better :(

J'ai gagné aucune partie alors bim une demi étoile

While the game brought unique vampire abilities and an intriguing setting to the battle royale genre, it unfortunately suffered from a swift decline in player base and popularity.

One of the key reasons for its quick demise was the lack of long-term engagement and content updates. Additionally, the game faced technical issues and performance problems, which hindered the overall player experience and discouraged continued play.

Another factor was the limited player progression system, which failed to provide meaningful incentives for players to keep coming back.