Reviews from

in the past

A game for that type of people who want to have home plants but they always somehow die.

:') minhas plantinhas estão crescendo

Uma forma diferente de aprender jardinagem e meditação em um jogo só
<3 e ainda tem um caracolzinho

plant simulator gives me the serotonin

its alright for what it's supposed to be, getting all the achievements is waay too much of a grind though if you wanna do it without cheating or using your money to buy plants, my cozy plant growing suffering ended 3 years later :')) its not rlly that bad because it's just taking 30 secs every few days to water them but still lol

My only complaint other than the weird UI and controls is that a few of the Steam achievements involve you plucking and throwing out your plants. I can't do that, I love them too much :{

no tutorial but it's easy to understand what to do.
Thing is, what's there is boring and doesn't make me relax like I believe the creators would wish

I think theres a space for interactive things that arent exceedingly goal oriented. I also think doing the bare minimum of a good idea doesnt absolve you of charging alot for little value.

Самый простой Тамагочи с цветочками. Понятное дело, сюжета нет, мелодия одна, главное, что не раздражает. Не совсем реалистично работает засыхание т.е. если не поливать цветы два месяца, они завянут, но если их один раз полить водой, они сразу же оживают и одновременно вырастают, как будто они росли все эти месяцы.

very straightforward but soothing experience