Reviews from

in the past

I couldn't think that I would ever find something worse than Daemon summoner on PS2 (Chronicles of a vampire hunter for you PC people) but holy fuck did I find something infinitely worse in every category.

graphics look like absolute dog shit and no it's not because it's on PS1 at the time of this shit's release Resident Evil 3 , Tekken 3 , Legacy of Kain : soul reaver were already out but that's not a deal breaker I've looked at worse before so I can stomach that.

Now as for gameplay and controls holy fucking shit this is the lowest of the low you know that feeling when you press a button harder out of frustration wanting the action to happen or happen faster? that's all over this game it barely functions. and if that's enough it's also extremely difficult expect to clear every single section with a sliver of health after repeating the entire level each time you die. you name it this game got it : bullshit enemy configurations , cheap shots , insane damage or no damage at all , escort missions that happen back to back with no healing or any help whatsoever , insta kills , an infernal final boss that bugged out for me and refused to die even after I emptied it's life bar 3 times in a row it kept refiling and on the third time it decided to have infinite health as a final fuck you and much more shit that I'm too lazy to type out.

Level 5 in particular was the worst with tiny fucking gremlin things that charge you and do AOE damage that kills you in 2 seconds and the game spawns 50 of them in a small ass corridor that section alone took 40 minutes of retries because this whole game was developed by lobotomized French monkeys.

I would talk about the story but there's barely any of it you see a FMV of people dying at the start and then you get text with shit grammar telling you to find and kill "THE EVIL"tm. zero voice acting as well because who needs that shit to explain anything.

Thankfully the entire ordeal lasts an hour and 30 minutes but those last few levels will test your patience , resolve and the will to put the gun away from your mouth. Cryo interactive is the absolute worst publisher I've ever seen and thank god they are fucking dead. Fuck this game and fuck whoever made it.