Reviews from

in the past

Updated Update: No, really, I should read my own reviews.

After looking at the controls setup this time around and lamenting how awful it was, I revamped the controls to something marginally better. It doesn't remedy the fact that ESC automatically kicks you to the main menu, but at least I was mostly getting things done.

I like that 90% of the zombies can't be bothered to deal with you and that being aggressive just beats everything in the early game. Ran into someone who was like, "Just go to the right, don't hurt my peoples," and I'm like, "Oh, I got you, fam." Went right, made it through some jumps that felt uncomfortable because this game needs controller support for controllers made after 2008, and when I got to the end of the area, I saw a path going downward and the path to the right. I should have gone right, but I went downward, realized I was JUST shy of being able to get back up, so I start jumping through the dark, killing skele-archers along the way and actually get to the other side of the map. Open up a secret passage, walk in, and immediately fall to my death with no option to avoid it. WHAT.

I did a little more playing after that and went back up, but this is not a game I want to play with keyboard only and I decided to call it after my left index finger started falling asleep from bad positioning. I know my computer desk sucks and my computer chair sucks, but my finger has been fine for the purpose of writing all this spew about this game that nobody should remotely care about. I'm just going to hide it on Steam this time so I don't accidentally play it again.


Update: Should probably read my own reviews. I figured out how to interact with the save point this time, then proceeded forward.

Fought some zombie-things, with hitboxes that apparently reached twice the length of the sword. Found an "Old Spear" and eventually figured out the key to pick it up, then tried to find the Inventory button again and the game crashed because it hates when you press the ESC key.

I'm sure somebody probably had fun with this once, and that person probably didn't have an ESC key on their keyboard.


Controls are a complete mess, it seems like. I played through the beginning and put this aside to come back to later.

Came back, couldn't find the key that would let me use the "bonfire" location, pressed ESC in the midst of key checks, and then the game crashed on me. Wasn't exactly a stellar experience up to that point, but this definitely didn't help.