Reviews from

in the past

There aren't many things that can compare to what this was.
Rather than the game, the modding scene. An entire genre of videogames that topped the charts for almost a decade was created here. I have yet to see tower defenses half as cool as the ones people made here.
Every now and then I see someone releasing a game and I just go "Oh yeah that was a mod in warcraft III!". This was the precursor of so many things it's insane.

I have fond memories of this game. I have played very little of reforged

I had like hundreds of hours in this game

I liked it less than original, but it is still fun.

custom maps are fun, iconic story

Après avoir poncé en long, en large et en travers Reign of Chaos, il fallait bien trouver une nouvelle grosse friandise à se mettre sous la dent, avec l'extension de Warcraft III.
Si le RTS ne révolutionne pas ses mécaniques, l'histoire elle prend la suite et introduit un peu plus le monde du futur MMO de la série. Et toute la partie scénario nous emmène dans des peuples qui se cherchent un nouveau , des meneurs à la recherche de nouveaux pouvoirs, et de trouver sa place dans ce nouveau monde.
Et le tout est vraiment excellent... Même si une vraie campagne pour les Orcs aurait été sympa, mais le mode Action RPG proposé pour raconter en 5 mini épisodes l'arc des Peaux Vertes est quand même bien réussi.
Une extension d'un des grands RTS, dans la continuité. Et du coup juste excellent.

Much like my review for StarCraft, I'm lumping together the full WarCraft III experience here. I was a little reticent about the game when I saw the change in art style, and it's the one major criticism I have. After WarCraft II and StarCraft, I do not like the looser, cartoonier look of the game. The animations are all just a little too silly for me. But, that being said, I like a lot about what the game does. Adding a fourth race to the formula made for some new strategic considerations, and the new hero units provided interesting opportunities in both the single player and online settings. This is, of course, where Defense of the Ancients began, and that codified an entirely new genre of games. Overall, I'd call this a positive step for Blizzard, but I think they already had their best behind them at this point. It's too bad the more recent remastered version did so poorly!


there is some genius to the story but it's very outdated in terms of like.. the world

A perfect addition to a timeless classic

It's my contender for the best game ever made, only if RoC's campaign counts as part of it. RoC has the better campaign but everything else is outdone by TFT.

Why might this be the best game ever made? It's a complete RTS experience, with an overaching plot, iconic game design that MASSIVELY SHIFTED AND CRAFTED THE PC GAMING SPACE TO THIS DAY, creative campaign missions and worldbuilding applied to units and buildings, together with iconic characters and places. Consistent and engaging competitive experience and infinite replayability with competitive matches, custom maps and custom campaigns, this game is still played competitively at its highest level known and it never fails to bring new things to the table. The world editor adds so much to this game and the whole worldbuilding, universe and colorful visual design dares you to make your own maps. Its soundtrack and sound design make for an iconic and unforgettable experience that blends in amazingly with the whole fantasy of the world of Warcraft. It's a complete game, it doesn't need anything else to be it, but reforged could've been so much more for a 20+ year old game. It's what every RTS dreams to be and accomplish.

For the ORIGINAL game.

So based, so... fvcking... zased.

Jogaço de rts e melhor jogo para mods.

For better or worth, a game that unwittingly created its own demise. An okay RTS that made such a great hero system that people made a whole genre out of it.

But none of it would've been possible without one of the greatest map editors in the world. Game is worth it just for the user maps

As good as the Reign of Chaos, only better! 

Greatest game of all time

Amazing expansion!
Perfectly rounds up the basic game.

Very cool but felt a bit tedious after a while. Arthas did nothing wrong by the way.



Game of the childhood, one of the greatest strategy game with the best in-game editor, spent making custom mods and maps more hours than in the game itself. Campaigns of ROC and TFT still the best Warcraft experience available.

Other than the NElf campaign being kinda boring at times because I don't really like Maiev, this game was pretty good. It was a shame that there aren't many campaign missions where you play as Arthas, who is my favorite character ever. That's why I rate it a bit lower than RoC.