Reviews from

in the past

Just emailed the dev asking for a key, he sent me a virus, and then I politely asked why the file size was so large. So then I actually got a key. One of my proudest Steam moments.

why haven't people claimed this game as a thoughtposting/random shit section of the site like on letterboxd yet wtf

How do you folks keep your creative drive up?
Everytime I create something I half ass it, because I tell myself I can't disappoint myself if I didn't actually try.
It doesn't even work and I still end up disappointed with myself.
I never really like the outcome that much, at least not enough find the drive to finish it, at most I'll post unfinished stuff somewhere in the attempt find motivation and then I don't create art inside that medium for another six months. The result of that lack of commitment or honing my craft to get better at it will come back to haunt me when I pick it up again just to half ass it again and demotivate myself again, because my efforts and results didn't make any progress since last time.
I got like two half finished game projects, a bunch of unfinished demo songs, two short film scripts and a portfolio full of drawings of which the quality has barely progressed since I was sixteen, not to mention all the half finished reviews with attempts at poetics in my notes app.
I am revealing this because folks knowing about it might make that unfinished art closer to getting finished.. might make the finished project more real. idk might make it more than just a thing in my room I can ignore the state of, because I am the only one who knows about it.
But rn I can just can never find the motivation to finish any of that stuff.
I'll rather start another thing just to drop it again it seems.
There is never a creative drive to fully commit.
I'll half ass it, cause its easier that way.
I can't find my mojo anymore.

Even this vent is half assed ngl.

Shit, I can can't even finish playing longer Games recently.

This game is the vent channel now btw.

just watch paint dry. nothing else