Reviews from

in the past


Exactly what it says on the tin. One of those idle games that a bunch of individuals seem to treat as the most offensive thing ever made in a world where Square's Tom Sawyer exists. Still recoiling from the pushback on Vampire Survivors, was just really weird to me upon remembering.

Some nice background music for your Firefox browsing experience for a smaller price than Spicy McNuggets. Slightly insensitive to mention McNuggets around a game about rubber ducks, I apologize. Was a very easy achievement completion at about five hours, assuming you don't mind randomly clicking around on things 5,000 times. I did it pretty casually while watching Street Fighter III Ford Strike combo videos. It's hard to put a rating on this, since I know some degenerate is gonna see it, and then proceed to look at my other ratings to see what I rated below it. I'd hate to break my "rating for everything" rule just for some potential verbal abuse, so screw it.

Here's a shot of the aftermath of it running overnight since one of the cheetos called for watching five hours straight and I started it a bit late. Been holding it in a bit too long, so I'm gonna go ahead and break into Sesame Street song.

Rubber Ducky you are the one, and you do indeed make bathtime lots of fun.