Reviews from

in the past

Loved the historical yet futuristic aspect of this game, and I loved that we played in multiple POVs. I'm a sucker for a storyline, what can I say?

The game is so overhated it’s crazy. The gameplay is pretty good and the story, characters, atmosphere, world and voice acting is unbeatable. Anyone who says this game “Had potential but didn’t deliver”, are just straight up lying, didn’t play the game for more than 5 seconds or just echo what others say.

I can't say that I am enjoying this game very much. It reminds me of Bioshock but worse. After a while it just gets boring.

And I hate to say this but I really dislike that dub

jogo tedioso, nada interessante

Actually ruined my childhood. Was so hyped for this

altough the game is pretty fun, there are some downsides: some mechanics are really really annoying, plus they should've focused on the general lore of the world and what happened to the children, instead of focusing on each character's selfish view of the world

A HISTÓRIA DESSE JOGO É SENSACIONAL!! amei jogar ele do começo ao fim da primeira história (inclusive isso é o motivo no qual não dou 5 estrelas) o jogo é divido em três partes com duas visões diferentes fora o arthur e isso me cansou demaisss nem terminei de zerar ele todo pq se tornou repetitivo MAS recomendo muito!! um dos melhores que já joguei

this game was just ok. i had a decent time on my playthrough but nothing really stood out in this game.

No rating for what I did play but I am slightly disappointed with my experience with the game. I will be going back and restarting the game at some point but for now I've shelved it until I feel inspired to try again.

um jogo que tinha potencial enorme, lembro de ver a alpha e me atraiu muito logo de cara, anos depois ao jogar eu gostei bastante, porém me incomodou muito que esse jogo poderia ser muito mais, a premissa é muito daora, a execução que não foi das melhores, apesar de bela construção dos cenários, senti que o jogo em si ficou vazio, faltando algo.. até mesmo as missões secundárias que são interessantes tem uma péssima execução, muitas ficando a km de distância levando muito tempo para chegar a pé. Tirando toda a expectativa criada por mim acerca do jogo, é uma boa experiência para ser jogada uma vez na vida e infelizmente facilmente esquecida.

We Happy Few (2018): Totalmente roto. Un juego que plagia tan descaradamente a Bioshock y Dishonored tiene mucho potencial, pero lo pierde a nivel técnico. El sigilo no funciona,tiempos de carga mientras andas, cada misión está a 10 min. andando de la siguiente... Una pena (6,25)

We happy few é o jogo que me fez perceber o quanto as coisas podem ir erradas por escolhas tecnicas.

esse jogo só é 4 estrelas por conta da geração procedural do mundo que atrapalha e muito a campanha principal e as mecanicas survival, todo restante é incrivel, uma historia legal de se acompanhar, personagens distorcidos e complexos, mas apesar de tudo carismaticos, um universo estranho, triste, sádico, e engraçado.

mas o real brilho desse jogo está em suas DLC's.

3 campanhas curtas cada uma feita a mão, sem geração procedural feitas com muito amor e carinho, cada uma mecanicamente unica diferente da ultima.

sem as dlcs esse jogo seria um 3 facil.

legalzinho mas não tenho muitas lembranças

single biggest gaming dissapointment

Great story, abysmal gameplay. Akin to a walking simulator that made it difficult to even get through the first portion of the game.

I am very sad about this game. It started great but after sometime it both became boring and started to perform bad. Right now I am in a city and game sometimes runs at less than 10 fps. I dropped it, might try to play on pc some time later

Beat the game multiple times for the full experience. No thanks.

Lo empecé creyendo que sería un tipo Bioshock, lo jugué una tarde y... me decepcionó un poco, no era lo que esperaba, claro, no debía ser un Bioshock a fuerzas, pero no sé, eso de craftear y demás me aburrió un poco. Pero el concepto y el arte se ven bien.

Apparently I'm a speed runner because I rolled credits in about 30 seconds. (The first choice isn't a real choice. )

Story-wise, the game needs a much bigger/better impetus to stop taking the medication if the whole plot hinges on it. It doesn't make sense on a character level to switch so abruptly, and the whole intro sequence is terribly rushed. Where is the sense of pacing? Where is the opening act that sets up the "normal" world? The reality-altering discovery made by the protagonist means nothing if we aren't properly introduced to what he thinks is true beforehand. Way to immediately irrevocably botch what had the potential to be an interesting premise

excellent concept. interesting story. visually outstanding. horrifically bad to play. like, really REALLY bad. combat, crafting (why?), everything. it all sucks.

A good story brought down by a bad game

I only beat Arhur's playthrough, but I decided to stop there. This game is unbalanced but still fun to play.

I do not know what to say about this game that's positive other than how it looks. The combat is clunky, and sometimes downright unfair, I find myself wanting to actively AVOID fighting in this game. Although it does feel like as a normal guy, I shouldn't be able to fight people, but still. The story is everywhere, trying to make me care really hard about characters that just aren't developed yet or are people who were in the past that we were never introduced too. Either it's not my cup of tea or this game just isn't made that well. I might finish it, but for now? I don't know.