Reviews from

in the past

I actually feel like I had a good amount of fun playing this. I remember backlogging it because I was mildly curious, but as I played other visual novels in the meantime and realized they weren't really my thing, I worried that this would be hard for me to get through. Luckily, the game has a good balance of conversation and mild tycoon-style management.

Two critiques, though. First, I had no idea that the chart that showed customer output was based loosely on the items/food you had equipped. I thought it was random, and it was up to you to maximize profits based on what the daily expected demographics were. I don't remember it being communicated very clearly in the tutorial, although it may have been, I'm not sure. What I do know is that the way it's presented in the item-selection screen makes it seem like it's something handed to you and not something you create. Because, to a certain extent, it did seem rather set and unchanging. It was kind of confusing.

Second, this is a rare case of character designs being good but art being bad. Usually bad designs come with bad art, but here, it's really just the way these characters are represented that irks me. It's not that I think stylization or a more colorful/plasticy artstyle would've never worked for this game, I just think the way it's executed here isn't that well done. Anatomy seems a bit off, perspective is a bit weird, and everything looks kind of rubbery. I just think the artstyle they were going for here needed a few more passes.

I don't wanna talk about it...