Reviews from

in the past

I played Wrestling Revolution on the phone all the time for years. When I found this on steam and saw the name "MDickie" I knew it was going to be a good time, and I wasn't wrong

Legit an amazing wrestling game that alot of you need to give a chance. So fucking addicting. I love it.

A Throwback to games like No Mercy/WCW NWO Revenge.

If it wasn't for the limited move-set on launch, I'd give this **** easy. If the game's creator Mat Dickie can add significantly more moves in subsequent updates, I will bump my rating up

This game is really janky, but its a pretty good time. You can get good fun out of playing with friends and screwing around with the options. The career mode is also very fun.

Legit the best wrestling game i've played in years.....which is kind of sad.

As messy as it is (i've had tables explode for no reason and guys floating all over the place among other glitches), the underlining mechanics are just solid enough to make it "fun janky" instead of "awful janky".

The career mode is a blast too. You can do everything from beating up dudes backstage to forming unions to fighting over creative control. It can go to some legit batshit places and I was always excited to see what next week brought.

Throw in an actually really good character creator and I can see myself playing this for a looooong time to come.

Now add ladder matches please