Reviews from

in the past

Game Review - originally written by (wraith)

I haven’t played very far into this yet because I don’t want to spoil the game before any translations are complete (editor's note: they have since been completed), but from what I saw, it looks like the folks who made this took Ys, changed the sprites and tiles around a little, and decided it was now going to be called Xak. But Ys is cool, so at the least, this should be a decent game. The graphics are what you’d expect for a PCE game… but the music simply rocks, plain and simple. Yay for CD Audio!

And Spinner just wants to say that Fray is a total hottie. :)

It's outstanding. It's a fine-tuned pick-up-and-play ten-hour thrill ride from one of the retro realm's greatest defunct developers, I'd wager that most ARPG fanatics would gravitate to part three. Anyone who cut their teeth on the likes of A Link to the Past and Secret of Mana is sure to fall in love with this game.