Reviews from

in the past

Way better than the first one. War of the Chosen adds so much value and makes runs more fun. This game allows your units to feel powerful while throwing enough at them to feel really challenging. Somehow makes boss fights work in a tactics game which is hard to do.

One of the best tactical game to ever exist.
Great gameplay, great ambiance, great customization.
Don't like times limits in game, but it's overshadowed by how much fun the combat is.
And it's easy to mod with a LOT of mods to enhance or change the experience to your liking.

only good with mods. imagine playing without the one that colour codes your abilities properly. couldn't be me

another of one of my absolute favorite games of all time, maybe not a 10, but its damn near close

with mods its a 10

3 estrellas el base y 5 estrellas el long war 2, lo dejo asi

jogo gostoso desgraçado só de pensar nele dá vontade de jogar

I bought and instantly got addicted to this game

love the combat system but i cant get past the base building/resource gathering bonanza

Feels less crushing than enemy unknown. Difficulty isn't always a good thing and I think they found their sweet spot with this entry. I loved making my soldiers do different things and be good at different stuff. Climbing the tech tree felt very rewarding.

Bon vous voulez pas rentrer chez vous ?

El sistema de combate me ha parecido interesante, pero todo lo demás ha sido aburrido y lo he pasado por encima. Los vídeos los saltaba, y gestión de las investigaciones, ingeniería, etc, me ha parecido confusa.

Me llamaba la atención el sistema de muerte permanente, pero me ha sorprendido que al sufrir daño los soldados no estén disponibles durante un tiempo.

Si pudiera elegir, querría un juego con este sistema de misiones pero solamente con el sistema de leveo y muerte permanente. Eliminando todo lo que hay entre batalla y batalla.

Absolutely loved this! Was a big fan of the previous game and I loved this one too. There are many changes to the game I quite like, such as the stealth mechanic and that your base is mobile, making travelling around the world and picking resources more difficult and make more sense due to the previous game it was meant to be all the nations standing up together whilst here you're a small guerrilla ops team.

The one thing I HATED in this game was that many missions are "timed" with it all based on how many turns you need before a package self-destructs, a transmission gets through or a terminal shuts down and becomes unhackable. This made me rage-quit the game a few times as I find it impossible to balance between moving around stealthily and attempting to get to the objective in X amount of turns. Thankfully, the mod support has allowed me to install a mod to remove it.

The whole campaign is based on a count-down to the Avatar project, a mysterious project the aliens are working on in the shadows for some un-seen reason. There is a mod to increase the countdown, based on difficulty which gives you more flexibility to get all your research done and be ready to take down their facilities.

The ending I quite loved and, to not give away spoilers, unlike the first where you often killed the boss in 1 hit, none of that happens here. Hell, me and a friend of mine installed a mod for us to have 8 squad members and yet there was a good chance we could've lost everyone.

Psionics has been changed around and they are now REALLY awesome! They have all kinds of interesting and powerful abilities to break the will of aliens and smash machines with psionic blasts! There is quite a power-creep, but thanks to mods you can help make your game a little bit more fun, like the SMG which gives your ranger better movement, but it does less damage. A great weapon if you want to go focused with the sword.

The amount of customisation for your soldiers is absolutely amazing. My characters can look like whatever I want and you can make the character you wand with each armour tier having different and interesting customisible parts. Not to mention the new ability to upgrade your soldier's guns to improve crit rating or aim is very impressive. Especially as, when you research better weapons, the previous model is discarded and the new model is in place with all the same upgrades.

Another down-side besides the timers is if you run out of rooms for your engineers to staff, they just do nothing and you have a warning about them being idle. This is late-game and certainly not something you should run into that soon, but I though I better mention it.

If you enjoyed the previous game you'll love this one, though you may want to modify it first before you can have any fun with it. If you were hoping they were going more classic X-COM like the originals with the backpacks and such then I'm afraid you won't be impressed. They have added a loot system where if you kill an enemy that has loot with explosives you destroy the loot and if your soldier who was carrying the loot dies or is KOed, they drop the loot so you'd have to go back and pick it up again to finish the mission with it as the items have a timed detonation on them like many of the missions.

I certainly love it and if you have a problem with a certain issue with the game, you can always mod it and the mods don't interfere with achievements! Making this game VERY user-friendly, especially to the modding community as it allows you to remove the more irritating parts of the game to get your full enjoyment :) so far from my opinion, the mods I've taken on have not been over-powered. Especially as I stated earlier, the final battle is REALLY difficult, even with 8 soldiers of highest rank in various areas.


To this day, thanks to the various Mods the game have become highly enjoyable and unlike Bethesda, the people behind this game understand nothing is lost if you cheat in a single-player game. I've added SOOO many new enemies to my game that even on lower difficulties it's impossible (flame vipers are bastards) so thank goodness for these developers who understand us gamers want to have fun :)

Eu diria que xcom 2 é um jogo punitivo demais por voce nao saber o que fazer, ele joga problemas e mais problemas na sua cara e até voce aprender a lidar voce perde, e perde, e perde. Mas a partir do momento que voce entende o que o jogo quer de voce, o que voce deve priorizar ou não ele fica até que demasiadamente fácil. é um bom turn based strategy, tem uma história legal e não é frustrante na questão da "sorte" dos rngs.

Absolute masterclass of a game, though there always comes a point where I'm not good enough and I have to drop it

XCOM 2 sucks due to one system and one system only. Everything else about the game is great. Unfortunately, it's held back by the way enemy spawning works.

When one of your units gets close enough to an unseen "pod" of enemies, that effectively spawns those enemies, causing them to enter combat. Those enemies immediately get one free movement action and will then act on the next enemy turn. It sounds like a fine system, but it carries with it a bunch of incredibly unfun implications.

First of all, it means you're CONSTANTLY playing around this mechanic, with every single movement decision you ever make prioritizing the risk of spawning enemies above all else. Spawning new enemies with your first soldier's action on your turn is great. Spawning new enemies with your last soldier's last action basically means you lose on the spot. You have to constantly be mindful of never sending anyone too far from your other soldiers and never sending anyone too far ahead of your first one or two movements. The problem with that is... it means your actual tactical options in nearly all situations are incredibly limited. I quickly learned that trying to flank enemies on most maps (unless making use of very specific mechanics like a stealthed unit) is beyond pointless- you get a better chance to hit if you get lucky, but if your flanker bumbles into enemies they just die on the spot.

This mechanic was present in the previous XCOM game and incentivized just slowly and methodically moving your squad through every map without taking any risks. It was kind of a mess, though the game was ultimately still pretty fun. XCOM 2 tries to spice this up by adding time limits to missions, which is sort of a good idea but doesn't really fix the core problem. It's still suicide to try to do anything remotely clever, you just have to make sure you're moving your squad EFFICIENTLY now. They also tried to balance the game a bit more by making classes (including the special DLC ones) that specialize in close combat WAY stronger, which is nice, but doesn't work too well in practice. Yes, if you get a soldier with a shotgun directly next to an enemy they'll pretty much one-shot it, but the act of doing so risks extending your vision far enough that you'll just spawn more enemies, throwing the risk/reward ratio off.

Once you understand these systems the game isn't all that hard (though it's generally much, much tougher than XCOM 1 which is nice) but it's often just.. boring. So often I felt like I had ideas for what I wanted to do, risky or interesting maneuvers to take advantage of the terrain, but had to nix the idea because it involves moving in such a way that I might spawn enemies and die on the spot.

One last unrelated complaint- the randomness adds interesting variance and emergent situations but I've always been baffled by games of this nature that are weirdly unwilling to just give you a 100% chance sometimes. If you actually do manage to get one of those close-range soldiers up close only to find they have a 91% chance of hitting and then they miss and die (because they're at close range and in danger) it just feels so arbitrary and pointless.

Edit: There's actually another massive problem with the game- the base-building meta-progression stuff. It's mostly just kinda uninteresting, but the real problem with it is you have to complete research projects and whatnot without knowing what their results will be, but (especially on higher difficulties) you can REALLY screw yourself by not getting the right tech within the right timeframe. This means either trial-and-erroring your way though and potentially losing a run because you fell behind or just looking up a guide or something. It's not inherently problematic to lose a run because you failed to manage your base properly, the problem is the base management is boring- I'm in it for the tactical combat, I don't want to lose because I didn't have foreknowledge that it's a waste of time to perform an autopsy on Glup Shitto and you should instead prioritize building the Blowjob Factory.

this is hard to explain but ill try, i love the gameplay, its tense, punishing and precise, but i despise everything else, presentation most of all, WHAT do my band of revolutionary insurrectionists look like? insane missed opportunities to give players sawed off shotguns, home made rifles, molotvs, kamizaki drone;, base management is crazy dumbed down, you can do whatever at any time and it will work, didnt like that there were so many story builds too, music is whatever, certainly worst than the first game, again, missed opportunity to capitalize on the revolutionary mercs angle, the story is lamer gurren lagann lol, whatever, will probably play again with the sounds turned off

I didn't know it was a top down :(

A great sequel to a decent reboot, making great strides to modernize XCOM in a fantastic way. Buggy fucking mess though.

É um bom jogo de turnos, gerenciar seus soldados, base, é divertido, mas a DLC war of the chosen adiciona uns negócio cabuloso de chato, e tbm é o clássico, eu sou azarado e fico errando alvos com 80% de chance de acerto.
Vale a pena tentar. E tem suporte para mods na steam.

feels like it should be better than the first game, but it just didn't hit the same way.

Getter-01 jamais sera esquecido e sempre sera lembrado como o gigante de aço que você foi em campo de batalha, pra sempre estará em minhas memórias...chore se chorou😭😭😭

No offense to the game itself, but I think I just had my fill with Enemy Unknown.

Eu amo esse jogo, a customização apesar de ser simples, me permitiu criar a minha equipe de elite q ainda está na minha mente e que algum dia quem sabe eu traga esses personagens a vida em uma história. Mas até lá eu pude brincar muito com esse jogo, imaginar meus personagens em situações tensas de vida ou morte era mágico.
Eu tenho muito apreço por esse jogo pq ele realmente te recompensa por ser esperto, por criar estratégias, nunca vou esquecer do dia q usei 2 granadeiros deixarem uns 11 inimigos machucados, pra então meu pistoleiro finalizar TODOS eles com uma skill q permitia multiplos acertos. O jogo é difícil mas sempre vai te recompensar se você souber o que você está fazendo.
MEU único problema mesmo, é q eu n consegui fazer a dificuldade mais difícil, e não foi nem por falta de estratégia, mas sim pq o jogo só fica ignorante, a mecânica de porcentagem já é frustrante na difículdade padrão, quanto maior a dificuldade mais idiota fica essa porcentagem, a ponto de você estar do lado inimigo e o tiro ter uma porcentagem de 70% de acertar.... IRMÃO TU TA DO LADO DELE, COMO Q TU ERRA?
Sem falar q muitas vezes bugs aparecem e acabam com a experiência, mas se não jogar na última dificuldade tá tudo bem, que aí fica mais suave e a diversão continua.
Excelentíssimo jogo, e aguardando o 3⁰.

I've played this alot, always find myself starting a new run, so never seem to finish.
Its really fun.

- fun combat
- character customization + buildup as you level
- management of time/resources makes research/mission choices matter
- the % shots are weird. A 99% hit chance means you'll likely miss. And it seems to be predetermined. I know this because i save scummed 10 times once to test and missed every single time, leading me to believe the shot hit was already decided before i pulled the trigger.
-- This frustration is the only reason i didn't give it a 5/5

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I liked the moment where you miss a 90% shot and your whole team dies