Reviews from

in the past

Simple y directa. La bruja de la ciudad se infiltra en la urbe para destruirla desde dentro e incitar una revolución.

Ningún cerdo puede con todos si trabajamos unidos.

"If socialism does not stand unflinchingly for the exploited and oppressed masses of all the lands, then it stands for none, and its claim is a false pretense."

A cute, short game with overt communist and revolutionary sentiment (the title is, after all, A Bewitching Revolution). As someone who already finds herself aligned in some way with socialist thought, this game didn't bring up anything new to me that I haven't been exposed to already but I imagine for others, this could and can be an eye-opening game.

It's an open letter to what late-stage capitalism has done to humans and society and that the living that we have been conditioned into thinking is normal is truly not.

"They can shoot us all to death, but they can not shoot us back to work."

Construyendo espacios de existencia colectiva.

This game is like that one guy on twitter who keeps telling you to read theory if that guy were a 90 minute video game. Still a decently cute project though.

This is just a really sweet little game about inciting revolution and promoting leftist revolutionary theory. it's very short, and completely free on steam. go check it out. its a nice short activity. Do it! Now! Fight the power!

A Bewitching Revolution (2019): Un brillante ejercicio de narrativa a través del videojuego y el socialismo. Gratuito y de apenas una hora de duración, es de jugada obligatoria a nada que el capitalismo te chirríe mínimamente. Un paseo por un futuro mejor al alcance de nuestra mano (8,25)

"They can shoot us all to death, but they can not shoot us back to work"

Honestly, it's not going to win anyone over if they aren't already on board, it's a tad janky about explaining mechanics, but just... gods, this game made me feel hope that things could get better and I really needed that.

Witches and communism, everything I love in just one game.

a beautiful game involving witches, revolution, and communism

the first thing i thought about when the police stormed in is where is my duck pond is it okay and i teared up a bit when i couldn't reach it and then i teared up as the people took our little witchy utopia back and then i ran to my duckies and cried a lot...i'm okay everything is fine!!