Reviews from

in the past

This game want to be much more, than it actually is. You play seven different characters in the course of this game and so you also play seven different roles in the missions. You are pilot of an Air vehicle and you can battle in classic flight combat style in the atmosphere of Jupiter's moon Europa. But also you have many missions in rail-shooter style were you only control a turret of an vehicle that is moving automatically. So your only task is to shoot down enemies.

Actually i like the idea with the different characters and their personal point of view in the diaries. Also i like that some of the missions have crossovers with the previous mission. But this idea went bad in my opinion, because you jump between the characters in every mission, so you can not create a relationship to a specific character.
I think this game would be much better, if the developers has concentrated on less characters to play and give them more room to unfold their personal story or they should have created whole character-specific campaigns from the start, where you play all character specific missions in one go, instead of only one linear campaign where you switch your role in every mission.

I do not have a problem with the rail-shooter missions either, some of them are loosening up things and make sense. But why there are no missions were you can actually drive your ground vehicle? Some of the missions have annoying situations because you can not control your vehicle and others are way too easy.

My playthrough was played with Version 1.04 of this game, which is the most recent update. Even the Readme of this update said, that this game does not have many bugs left... it has bugs and some of them are very annoying. Even the collisions of the Kryt ships in your own has its story reasons, there is no reason why you can survive most of this collisions without any damage. Some missions can be won without a fired shot, because you can ram every Alien out of Europa's sky without consequences.
Also in many missions you can break the mission script very easy unintentionally, which prevent the mission to end. Especially in this rail shooter missions it can also happen, that you die in all of a sudden because you were killed by your own teammate.
Also there is in some missions a selectable weapons loadout, which makes no sense, because it is very unlikely that you can win the mission with that.

The controls in the flight combat parts is unfamiliar first, especially because it uses Europa's gravitation, if you cut off your engine, you fell like a stone from a sky, but you can use this for a strategy to shake off pursuers easily.

Absolute Zero is only an average game which has many interesting ideas, but most of them were not thought-out enough.