Reviews from

in the past

"Mutation Nation" is yet another side-scroller beat'em up. Nothing special, but nothing terrible either. Six stages of extremely 90's skater esthetic and some really rough and weird character models. It's not challenging at all, but it's also not necessarily boring. Here's yet again another game that kept me moving forward on the sound design alone. The thangs and thuds of punching your enemies to oblivion have such a harsh and crued tone, but really scream the time period it came out. In a great way! The Neo Geo reminds me of how I feel about the Sega Genesis. That the system had some sick ass music and sound design. This is one of those games I could just leave a run thru playing on YouTube in the background and feel like I'm in a retro arcade.

Looks good and there's some decent mutant body horror but the game is so standard that nothing really stands out about it.