Reviews from

in the past

very fun! love leaning up against the wall in an emergency meeting with the only other adult in my lobby and complaining about all the shrieking kids, truly the 'how bout them yankees' of the vr world.

10/10 best baby screaming simulatior ever made

It is so fun and goofy to see (and be!) the crewmates running around in full 3D VR. I find the character design so funny that that is enough to really entertain me.

was doing the task where you pump fuel and a guy walked behind me saying "yeahhh pump that shit" and that was probably the best online gaming experience i've had in years

all of the lobbies are full of children please help

Incredibly fun in the right group. The lack of roles makes most rounds feel a little samey but the base mechanics set a good enough foundation for players to create their own fun.

It plays very similarly to regular Among Us but actually embodying the crewmates brings a whole dimension to the game. Cornering someone that you are accusing, raising your hands in disbelief, turning your head to see who is over your shoulder; all of this immersion adds to the drama of each round and it's only possible in VR.

There were so many little kids in every server

Child screaming simulator. This is not a good way to play Among Us as everyone usually just acts and says stupid junk, but it is worth playing because it is hilarious. You will hear children, racial slurs, role players, etc. Very funny game. The actual game itself works pretty well.

6/10. 90% of the playerbase are screaming children with angry parents. Also I was banned! Lmfao.

My karma for tonight was saying "Is this among us" at every TGA trailer and then it was actually among us


Edit TGA 2023: thank god im free

can’t wait to play this shit on the VR headset that kills you in real life if you die in game

i’ve only played one round of this so far, but let me tell you all a story about how it all went.

before i got into the lobby, me and my friend spent about 6 minutes just trying to find a lobby that we could both get into (the queuing system isn’t very good) and once we found a lobby with enough space for both of us, i was bombarded by the screams of a 6 year old child, the entire pre-game lobby consisted of one player bullying said child into leaving and refused to start the game until he left. once the child finally left, (somehow i actually felt bad for the poor child.) the game finally started, and everything went fairly normal until the first emergency meeting. once we got to the meeting the player who i believe was the host was screaming the n-word over and over again and telling the person he found suspicious (haha funny among us word) to say the n-word and he won’t be voted out. we all called said player a loser by the way. unrelated, but i spent like 5 minutes of the game trying to do one single task in electrical, i couldn’t get that shit to work.

anyways fun game! among us as a concept works better as a vr game than it does as the original game imo.

11/27/22 update: new story, played this for about an hour straight with the same friend, this time we ran into a player who we started joking around with and quickly made an alliance with, at one point me and the guy we met both got imposter so we protected my friend and got rid of everyone else, we won that game and laughed way too hard. before we left the server we made sure to add him so we’d be able to talk again sometime.

A Pedophile's Review:
Better than Among Us.
Every lobby it's just annoying children.
No baddies.
It's Mid.

Probably the best multiplayer experience I have had in about a decade

Still hate it but Jerma's stream was the best thing it makes it a little better

lacking in content and public lobbies are still awful

its among us but with voice chat and a scary amount of children who have no right owning a vr headset pretty funny a lot of the time

Same good astronaut game but in vr. It's a bit more expensive however and the public servers with voice chat make me want to gouge my ears off like Vincent Van Gogh. Overall wouldn't really recommend.

A Absolutely Hilarious game, it’s similar to the original Among Us Game but better because proximity chat and 3D. You will hear literally anything from screaming children to racial slurs, amazing game. 8/10

Playing this game feels like babysitting. Fortunately, it is so incredibly funny to hear children yell at each other.

funniest game every played man I love yelling at children

a bunch of angry 8 year olds screaming

Very funny to play this game by trolling and simply listening to kids screaming and feeling so hurt when they are betrayed by a fellow crewmate who turns out to be an impostor they've been with for a whole match. But there's just three maps and the server randomly disconnects for any reason like the host leaving and things like that, which is infuriating when you manage to finally be the impostor after one hour of gameplay.

Also, they call me a russian because of my accent when I'm actually spanish. At least I can speak TWO languages, y'know! >_<