Reviews from

in the past

I really like the idea of this, but it's too long and the last half of it is more tedious than anything. Many of the arcade games are not fun, and the goals set for each are sometimes laughably challenging, to the point that it turned me off from even trying them. A lot of potential but unfortunately it just doesn't hit it.

Also I really could have done without the realistic bugs. Bleh.

En un punto se vuelve un poco repetitivo, los juegos de arcade son divertidos, pero algunos objetivos son muy difíciles para hacerlos mientras tienes que estar metiendo y sacando ropa de las lavadoras y secadoras, es entretenido por 20 minutos, pero después de un rato haciendo lo mismo aburre

An "arcade paradise" in a laundromat, where you take out the trash, defeat the "toilet boss" and wash clothes. Weird game.

Interesting game but takes a while to get past the more mundane tasks you need to do to get to the actually interesting gameplay loop at its core. I really can't blame people not seeing past that given how important that stuff is to the first few hours. It takes a while even to realize not only can you start to ignore that but you really should.

The idea behind this game is that you are a young adult woman running a laundromat owned by your asshole dad. Your character isn't interested in that but there are a few arcade machines in the back that are more fun/interesting which you focus on instead. The initial mundane tasks previously mentioned relate to doing laundry. At the start the few arcade machine only make so much money, you need more to buy more machines and really ramp up the arcade part of your business. As a result your main source of income has to be doing the laundry which requires you be on top of it to really make anything or else you are paid less for taking too long. This leaves you small gaps to actually play the arcade machines which can make for a frustrating experience as alerts for laundry interrupt you.

In the laundry's defense, it makes sense for the narrative being told and is gamified to reflect it as well. In a weird way once you are past the need to do the laundry you almost miss like some messed up Stockholm syndrome situation.

The arcade games gain popularity the more you play them and even more by completing certain goals for each machine. This leads to them generating more money per hour. You can also adjust difficulty and cost of each machine as their popularity increases to maximize the money they make. There's also benefits to placing less popular cabinets next to popular cabinets so they get a popularity bonus from that placement. The sooner you understand these mechanics the sooner you can ditch the laundry and have the machines rake in the cash, only taking breaks from playing more to manage things like broken machines that occasionally need attention.

The arcade games vary in quality. They're knockoffs of classic arcade games and the like. Many are fun in short bursts but a few don't quite play right in comparison to their obvious inspirations. Its really cool they did dozens of these games and even if I have issues with how some play they all show the devs love for this period in gaming history.

This loop of playing more to make more, placing cabinets strategically to boost popularity, and growing your space for the arcade as the story plays out to buy even more machines thereby making even more is the best part of Arcade Paradise. It's a shame its a bit too tough/takes too long to see past doing laundry to get to it.

Super fun game with a lovely gameplay loop and cute story.

pretty solid game to relax
just do the same thing again and again but doesn’t get boring for a long time

Terrific game! Finally, an experience that allows you to not only run an arcade, but you can also play the games. Laundromat + arcade = a good good time. The only problem is the number of bugs and glitches I came across that hindered the experience. Once they've figured those out, it should be smooth sailing.

Acabou por se tornar repetitivo, demasiado longo e com alguns bugs.

Encontrei por acaso esse jogo a quase um ano atrás no game pass, a capa me interessou então instalei, e fiquei os próximos 3 dias viciada nele, nas primeira horas o game e super divertido, porem ele vai se tornado maçante, repetitivo e nada recompensador. Por conta disso dropei e fui lembrar que o mesmo existia esse ano, e depois de quase 10 horas de gameplay finalmente zerei. Apesar da gameplay desnecessariamente longa achei o game interessante, captura bem a essência noventista, tem uma boa trilha sonora e jogabilidade. (Grande parte das horas que gastei foram tentando bater recordes nos fliperamas kkkkkkkkkkkk)

A great simulator, where you run a laundromat, with a secret arcade room. Its tons of fun and you can even play the arcade machines!

it is a laundry simulator with shitty arcade games tacked on

Joguei ocasionalmente e o jogo tinha muito potencial e com coisas boas, uma pena ser muito repetitivo

It's a below mid-tier game. There's really not much to add as I think most other reviews hit the nail on the head.

Weirdly, I enjoyed my time with the game, but rating this above a 4/10 seems way too forgiving. The gameplay is unfun chores mixed with mostly unfun arcade machines. There's never enough time to do what you want to do, and the story progression is painfully slow, to the point that I'd be SHOCKED if many people have seen it to completion.

But, I have no hatred for this game. I don't know if it was just the frame of mind I was in at the time, but I liked it enough to play over six hours if that says anything.

foi divertido nas primeiras horas, depois virou um sufoco eu so queria que acabasse logo, que jogo longo 👎

A minigame collection hiding beneath the oddly-shaped trench coat of a management sim. The range of arcade games available for you to purchase and play is impressive, and is obviously where most of the effort went, but their quality and originality varies. The management sim side itself is very one-note and not complicated at all, mostly serving as a vehicle for the arcade collection side. I'd recommend to anyone who enjoys the classics

a nice grab bag of knockoffs with their own twist. i had dreams about their fake soviet qix for a while after playing.

calm game where you can play really fun arcade games and get mad at your father for being a dick

Não sei bem como começar sem parecer hipócrita ou óbvio kkkkk
Mas resumindo: gostei dos minigames nos fliperamas, mas toda a parte de simulador e ter que "trabalhar" pra progredir, é muito chata e repetitiva kkkkkkk

Acho que como um passatempo é bem interessante, até merecia uma nota melhor, ficar de bobeira no sofá jogando Arcade Paradise pela Cloud ou num Steam Deck enquanto sua mulher reassiste Friends pela quinquagésima vez pode funcionar muito. Mas dedicar atenção integral pra esse jogo soa como perda de tempo na maioria das vezes.