Reviews from

in the past

An ugly-looking version of Bomberman but Charlie Adler and Billy West are screaming the entire time.

lmao why

and to think og fallout died for Interplay's sins...

adhd bomberman

+1 star for the unused reel of NSFW lines billy west and charlie adler recorded for each character

Aside from being named after human history's most dangerous and deadly weapon ever made, the only thing I remember about this game that makes it stand out from the other bombermen is the incredibly hilarious voice acting by Charlie Adler and Billy West that's constantly going off.

It's the only reason to play it honestly.

This... This is something else... I'm actually out of words for whatever the hell is this...

A Bomberman game, made by the Fallout creators, and voiced by Billy West... This is the timeline where good video games won.

But in all seriousness, this game is pretty bad, like it's just your everyday basic Bomberman 1V10 game with some really, REALLY outdated multiplayer. There's no reason to play this nowadays due to the abundant amount of Bomberman games but it's a really nice relic of the past.

Billy West is canonically Bomberman now.

Having a Blast
Everyone has a moment in life where they get to call themselves the hero. For me it was when I installed this strange-looking-but-not-a-knockoff Bomberman game onto my entire middle school computer network to enjoy what were essentially my first multiplayer LAN parties during class. But the real kicker was hearing that the game was still being played by students years later, after I had moved on to high school. The knowledge that I was helping younger generations slack off and enjoy hilariously tense sudden-death matches voiced by the one and only Billy West filled my heart with pride.