Reviews from

in the past

For some reason, I still think back on this (relatively obscure) RTS quite a bit. It certainly didn't have a memorable story. But it had some cool ideas - like training a villager from scratch through a variety of buildings to make them into the unit you want.

Warcraft 3 but for Ken-sama

Cursed by it's release date, this came out around the same time warcraft 3 did.

It's an extremely cool RTS, with lots of unique gameplay elements like training up your villagers into various units, growing rice and having to water it, drawing water supplies from rivers, pools and wells, capturing wild horses and being able to mount any unit as cavalry. All with a east asian fantasy flair.

Si tengo que elegir un juego y desechar el resto con gusto elegiría este, es increíble como la historia de un videojuego puede impactar tanto la vida de un adolescente ♥️