Reviews from

in the past

If I had a gun to my head telling me to play this again, I'd ask them to shoot me twice instead.

X Blades was a pretty bad game when it came out with combat that wasn’t fun, a lame story, bad graphics, and just all around bad. The sequel is much better but still isn’t great. Ayumi is back trying to find some sort of Dragon Sphere in Dragon Land but has to get through the Sky Guards who are trying to stop her from awakening The Keeper who is guarding this sphere. The plot is very “meh” and doesn’t have any redeeming value. The combat is decent with some fun shooting mechanics, but everything here is broken to some degree.

Take combat for starters. There are only light and heavy attacks and the same combos throughout the whole game. You can’t unlock new moves or combos just spells. These spells consist of fire, ice, and power. As you beat up on enemies your spell gauge will increase to one and two skulls. One unleashes a weak attack while two is powerful. If you fill your bar up all the way you get a health pack. This would be fine if unleashing this magic wasn’t done in a terrible fashion. Holding down the spell button to charge it then press the appropriate spell button slows down combat. Why can’t I just equip the spell and unleash it with one button? It doesn’t help that enemies can interrupt the spell charge leading to cheap deaths. Speaking of deaths, you can die very easy in this game causing you to constantly use health packs.

Platforming is just as bad because Ayumi doesn’t jump very far making you rely on her dash move. If you don’t judge a distance right she will just drop like a rock after her dash. That’s why you dash jump around floating corrals, but fighting on small platforms is a nightmare because the knockback seems to be glitched because she will fly across the level sometimes if hit by large enemies. You can shoot with guns you find throughout the game and this is at least decent. Shooting enemies feel good with the different weapons and can actually help you when you’re low on health and need to back off.

The third part of Blades of Time is puzzle solving. This is in the form of rewinding time and using switches that you stand on. Anyone who has played Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time will know what I’m talking about. This seems to be dull and confusing at first, but you can also use this during combat. Some larger enemies need two Ayumis to take them down via quick time events which are poorly implemented here. I really felt this time rewind feature could have been used in better ways than opening doors and beating only a couple different enemies. You can use your compass to find hidden items that give you various stat effects, but these are really easy to find because the compass points you right to it.

The graphics are average at best. The textures have a pretty low resolution, but the art style is nice with varied environments and different suits that Ayumi wears. Overall, everything is just flawed in some way due to poor mechanics. The combat is repetitive and dull with the same attacks, puzzle solving is boring and confusing, and the few platforming sections are hard due to bad jumping mechanics. The story is bland with boring characters, and even Ayumi isn’t all that interesting (she tries to be a new-age Lara Croft). The game is playable, but after you play it you will quickly forget about it.

This game is a weak knock-off of Devil May Cry with a time-reversal gimmick. In Blades of time, you play as Ayumi, a chick with a pair of dangerous weapons with pointed tips. She also has two swords. You progress through a series of levels, fighting baddies and solving puzzles that are brain-dead, yet somewhat satisfying. Melee combat consists of a basic attack button, a sort of jumping attack, a dash button, and several "spells" or combos that can be triggered once you've built up enough "Rage"--think DMC's Devil Triggers, but instead of going into Super Saiyan Mode, you build up enough energy to spend on one attack. There is also a counter/finishing move (similar to the Batman Arkham games); unfortunately about 25% of the time this move didn't trigger whenever I pressed the button. A major defect of the melee combat is the lack of a block or a good dodge; the dash is clunky (you do a short pause right after you dash) and I don't think it gives you any i-frames, or at least very few. Thus, a lot of combat involves rushing in to attack, taking a lot of damage, then rushing back out and waiting for your health to build back up. For ranged attacks, you can switch into Third-Person Shooting mode; you start out with a shotgun, can pick up Rocket Launchers and Ice Launchers (?), and apparently can unlock a machine gun, which alas, I failed to do. Much like DMC, shooting enemies is a quick and easy way to build up your Rage meter.
The major gimmick of this game is the time rewind function--you can press a button to kinda-sorta rewind time, and then you can watch your "Time rewind clone" do what you just did for the last five seconds or so. It's hard to explain and seems clunky, but actually works quite well. For example, some puzzles involve needing to have two characters standing on two separate platforms, so you stand on one platform, rewind time, then run to stand on another platform while your "time rewind clone" is standing on the first one. In a better example, some enemies require you to perform a special attack, rewind time, and then attack the enemy while your clone is performing the special. This is pretty cool, although it's horribly telegraphed--I had to watch a video to figure out that you needed to do this. The game pretty much encourages you to cheese this ability, and it's pretty fun to finish an enemy, rewind time, then finish another enemy while your clone is finishing the first.
The movement in this game is clunky; as I said, the dodge has an annoying pause at the end, and your jump animation ends with a sudden drop; platforming in this game is somehow even worse than the original Devil May Cry (although the camera is mercifully better). Both the main character, Ayumi, and enemies will sometimes just teleport to where the game needs them to be. One upside of this is that enemies can't attack you whenever you are doing your slow-mo counter/finisher. On the other hand, I had a boss literally throw me through the floor and into an empty void multiple times--a one-hit kill move that sent me into another dimension!
There's no doubt about it--Blades of Time is a clunky buggy mess with a plot and voice-acting that seem ripped from the worst C-rate anime dub out of the 90s (To be honest, I checked out after the characters mentioned that the story took place in "Dragonland"). And yet, I enjoyed this loads more than the more polished yet similarly buggy games like Bioshock: Infinite and Metro: Exodus. Why? Well, it was just more fun to play. Let's break this down and try to figure out why Blades of Time is fun and other games are not.
1) 30 Seconds of Fun: The first reason that this game is fun is that it is divided up into short segments that primarily involve using the primary game elements, namely platforming, puzzle solving, and combat. There is very little exploration in this game. Each section is fairly quick, so even if a particular section is boring or frustrating, it is over soon, and you can move on to the next one.
2) Consistent design philosophy: unlike other, more competently made games, Blades of Time doesn't feel like multiple game stitched into one. There are no distracting RPG elements, forced stealth sections, or other segments that feel like they belong in a different game. Yes, the platforming is bad, but it is part of a game that is built (badly) for platforming--the main character has a double jump. Compare this to, for example, the stitched-on RPG elements of Nu-Raider, or the bi-polar design of Dying Light, a parkour, DIY weapons zombie killing game that has you fighting humans using guns or whatever lame machete the story allows you to have. There are poorly-designed puzzles, but they use the (bad) mechanics of the order sphere in a way that feels like it fits, and most of the time you are trying to solve them while hacking and slashing. It feels like one cohesive game, not several games stitched together (Gamenstein!).
3) No frills. This is kind of the combination of the above elements. The game doesn't feel bloated; it has a short runtime (8-10 hours), cutscenes come after action sequences or at the beginning of the level and are easily skippable, all of the content feels essential and not like filler.
4) The time-rewind mechanic was cool and not like anything else I've seen in another game. I know Prince of Persia: Sands of Time has a rewind mechanic, but I think that one doesn't involve making a clone. I don't know. In this way, the game felt unique.
5) Power fantasy: Between the stylish combat animations, the counters and killing moves, the over-the-top spells, the fact that you can trap enemies on level geometry and then shoot them to death, and the fact that you are playing as a cute chick in a bikini wielding a rifle and twin swords, this game did a great job of making you feel like a badass. How many other games can you play where you can summon a clone of yourself when you are low on health (this is actually a viable strategy: get low on health, then let your clone fight the enemy while you hang back and wait for your health to refill)?
Overall, I'd say this is a good rental game if you are into hackie-slashies, but probably not a great intro point for the genre. I would definitely recommend DMC and DMC3 above this, as the combat in those games is deeper and allows for more emergent possibilities. The spells in Blades can't really be chained and there are no advanced combos, enemy juggling, etc. I would also recommend the two Lord of the Rings games before this one, and I suspect that the God of War series is much better as well. Still, I very much enjoyed playing the game, even if I don't suspect that I'll replay it. It often goes on sale on PC for a couple bucks, so pick it up then.

damn this game is awful and boring af. only the good thing about the game is combat system .

jogo daora mas a gameplay dele e bem datada e da uns bugs que atrapalham

This is probably simultaneously the most functional and least charismatic game I've played in the niche it resides in. There are some interesting mechanics though.

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Bueno, lo termine recientemente y me parecio un juego que tenía más potencial en todos los sentidos, pq mecanicamente tenia cositas como el crear clones en el tiempo y tener un arma a distancia.
Su combate es muy simple y que no se siente tan pulido, y siento que despues de un tiempo decae mucho por lo pocó profundo que es.
Su forma de disparar se siente bastante feo pero no es imposible de hacer su uso.
Los enemigos ningúno se me hizo memorable o complejo, solo eran difíciles pq el juego no está bien hecho del todo.
Y pues su historia esta esta muy mal contada y más con ese final que deja así: 🙁.

Algo más que no me termino de gustar fue que me tope demasiados bugs donde los enemigos me sacaban volando o me enterraban al vacío xd. No creo tener la fuerza para jugarlo otra vez y tampoco obligaria a alguien.

Pretty much what happens when a bunch of Eastern Euro devs are hired by a Japanese company to make a God of War clone at the end of the PS3 era. Weird, disjointed, overambitious, janky as hell yet somehow much functional than X-Blades. Also the lead heroine's design is one the horniest things I've ever seen in a video game.

Not as abysmally terrible as the first game, but it's not much better. The design for Ayumi is at least improved.

I guess the developers of this game really have no idea how a normal people can run. The game is played from a third-person camera, and as the protagonist runs forward, you're confronted with ugly animations that are both funny and irritating. The running animation is not the only problem with the protagonist, she talks too much. In fact, she never shuts up. As you move through the game, the protagonist has a monologue about everything sees. The comments that the protagonist makes about the situations is in, just makes you realize how unlikeable and stupid she is. Even worse, there are some small cinematics that accompany these horrible talking. The game is constantly interrupted by them and they keep getting on your nerves even more. Also and lastly the story is not original or interesting. It's very clearly a Darksiders ripoff. The only thing the game succeeds at is providing good material for Rule 34 fans.

A pass-through slasher game with nothing in it.

Проходной слэшер, в котором ничего нет.

Não é um jogo muito bom, o gameplay é chato, os inimigos são ruins e a história é HORRENDA, um péssimo hack n slash, me surpreende a gaijin entertainment ter tentado denovo a ideia de loira bonita treasure hunter depois de X-Blades porque falharam duas vezes, a diferença é que dessa vez o budget foi maior.

Jogar Blades of time foi uma experiência confusa, a gameplay que deveria ter sido o atrativo parece estranha, a narração da história achei super ok e gráficos bons pro ano e tipo de jogo.

Mais um jogo que teve esse "fracasso" graças a Konami.