Reviews from

in the past

Possibly a hot take but I think the simpler level design of Wolfenstein's level design lends itself to this combat system a bit better then Doom's does. Unfortunately that also leads to it feeling very repetitive by the end of it, 6 chapters of classic Wolfenstein didn't bother me so much because of how chill it is but by the end of this I was exhausted. They've gone way overboard with some of the enemies and boss fights, you just cannot dodge all the shit they throw at you during these fights sometimes, especially in the later chapters. I think it suffers from too many similar weapons as well. Swapping through 10 different sub-machine guns to find the one with ammo in it fucked me more than once, although I did eventually switch over to no reloading mode which I think makes the game play better. I actually started Spear of Destiny after finishing the main 6 chapters, but I was just way too burnt out by that point so I quit for now. I'll probably return someday.

I know this review sounds pretty negative but I did have fun blasting Nazi scum to bits, especially during the early chapters. It's just something that's probably best experienced in short bursts and not your main source of sanity while you're recovering from a nasty cold, so I'll say that's at least a bit on me haha.

I played through the first three episodes of Wolfenstein 3D "vanilla" and did all of the Nocturnal Missions episodes using BW3D. BW added a couple of huge QoL improvements but also went overboard in some ways IMO. I didn't need ADS and I certainly didn't need reloading, though I suppose that this likely helps balance power given the increased control over your character (and therefore, reduced difficulty of the gameplay itself). Due to the updated control schema (proper WASD/mouselook), the core gameplay loop was much easier, but again, compensation came in the form of many enemies (especially the soldiers in black and all bosses) being HUGE bullet sponges who would hitscan fire with near perfect accuracy almost instantly when entering a room. Tons of save-scumming needed but it was an enjoyable enough experience.