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Buzz-Saw Blood House is a truly disturbing horror experience that invokes disgust in me that I don't think any other Puppet Combo game could rival. Rather than going for a typical slasher style like their previous games they chose to center this game around the idea of a snuff deep web livestream. Navigating around a house filled with traps and danger, the player must try to aid the escape of a kidnapped school girl who has been the unfortunate subject to this sick exhibition. There is more care and attention given to the introduction, receiving a very classical video game synopsis at the start of the game, detailing a specific instance of one of these kidnapping victims.

You play as multiple victims, each time you die by whatever means, you are replaced by another kidnapped girl, which is a really unsettling concept for a respawn system. In fact, you can still see the remains of your previous attempts litter the environment. These "lives", referred to as copies, can be replenished via pickups in dangerous locations throughout the environment. With each life lost, the show doesn't stop and instead we cut to the moment our next victim arrives in the same room our previous victim couldn't escape from.

The atmosphere is by far the most disturbing of any of the Puppet Combo games I have played thus far. Visually, the low-poly graphics accompanied by the aesthetic that we are watching this from behind a screen makes it very unsettling. The dangerous industrial traps and chainsaws clash with the 'cutsey' approach to the interior design of the rooms, which shows that this place was constructed with every intention to perform this exact purpose, torture and murder innocent girls. These feelings are further enhanced by the "live chat" feature, whereby you will receive commentary on-screen by users of this service who type some of the most deranged and inappropriate things, it really adds another layer of uneasiness to the experience.

Difficult controls and camera perspectives make avoiding the various chainsaws, blades, and other dangers feel genuinely difficult to overcome. Occasionally, chatters in the livestream will donate to trigger a "maniac attack", a brief interval of time where a chainsaw-wielding brute is released in the same room as you, attempting to kill you directly. It's also possible to survive some of these traps if you do screw up, leading to dismemberment and screaming of your player character.

There are several disturbing notes that are displayed in the form of text files that represent the scribblings and thoughts of those who came before you. There are also visual "glitches" or interruptions to the livestream service that are disturbing and startling to the player and often show intermittent footage of the outside world. These things combine to remind me that there must still be someone out there taking these girls for these future trials. Even if you were able to escape and this facility were to be shutdown, the fact this kind of event has an audience of paying customers indicates that another would eventually take its place, at the cost of more innocent lives.

Overall, Buzz-Saw Blood House is terrifying and disgusting in an entirely new way, to the point where it almost feels illegal to play this game. This game is very challenging, and requires a good grasp of the awkward controls and awareness of the potential challenges in various rooms. I honestly think this is one of the most disturbing games of all time, and I would stand my ground by saying this is more fucked up than games like Manhunt.

Unique concept with a bland execution (like many other Puppet combo games.)