Reviews from

in the past

You had such a good idea in mind with this "true finally" and you fucked it up.
The 2 levels in this DLC are both really bad; they're full of really janky platforming and super cheap moments that are made worse with the jank climbing, and then you have the actual boss with The Forgotten One.

Now when I think of this super powerful ancient hellish beast that couldn't be killed but was locked away by the 3 most powerful humans known to man. I expect a fucking badass character design to go along with it, but instead, we got stuck with just some big generic armored man who looks like a lamer version of Steppenwolf from the Joss Whedon cut of Justice League. Oh and the actual fight with him yeah it blows too.

I have a great idea, let's make a boss fight where you can't properly block any of the boss's ground attacks, make the boss hit like a truck; to the point where he can take like 15 percent of your health from one of its basic attacks, then let's make it where you have to use aerials attacks about 25% into the fight in a game that has no air dodge, air blocks, and no way to cancel out of you're aerials combo without getting hit with his AOE attack if you get close in which you need to do because your whip doesn't reach that far in the air.


The forgotten one in Lament of Innocence was this gnarly gore monster; here he is uh a big generic statute armor guy. Gabriel is a vampire now but still plays the exact same. You fight the same boss multiple times in a row broken up by okay platforming. For the majority of its fights the boss can only be damaged using aerials in a game with no air dodge, an air block, nor a way to reliably cancel aerials (you can double jump to cancel aerial combos but after that you are prone to be hit by the bosses quick follow ups). Long, tedious, and there is no reason a key part of the story should be pawned off as DLC.

De los 14 capítulos del juego (12 del juego base, 1 del primer dlc y este) es el peor, y con diferencia.

Tiene la peor sección de plataformeo y el peor jefe de todo el juego. Un jefe que pega como si te arrollase una locomotora, con todos los ataques inbloqueables y un 75% de estos pegan en área tanto en suelo como en aire. Más de la mitad del combate has de pegarle en el aire; en un juego que no tiene esquiva aérea, ni bloqueo aéreo, ni una forma inmediata de parar el combo más que dejar de golpear.

La mejor forma de acabar este sufrimiento es alejarte hasta que ataque con el mangual o lance las lanzas explosivas. Entonces te acercas, das 3 o 4 golpes y te alejas de nuevo. Es tan aburrido como suena.

Para lo que este capítulo tiene de historia o te lo saltas o lo miras en un gameplay. Es una pena acabar el juego en su punto más bajo. El resto si merece bastante la pena.