Reviews from

in the past

This used to be my favourite game as a kid to play split-screen with friends. However, getting older and looking at it from a mature light, it can get boring after an hour or so. High-action, harder difficulties are actually very hard to beat (Easy is braindead unfortunately but I suppose you have to be braindead yourself to find that an enjoyable match, so it works), fast-paced and all-around just a simple game that you can pick up and play. It has a bit of a nostalgia bump I'm sure, but I think it's worth playing.

Whoever managed to get this thing brought back in HD on the vita, I owe you a debt that cannot be ever be repayed.

Neat little vehicular combat game with loads of character. A Tommy gun-wielding duck named Fowl Mouth? A dinosaur named T.Wrecks? A capture the flag mode but the flags have legs and run around? It doesn’t get much more creative than that.

It's like Twisted Metal but for cartoon nerds who think Teen Titans Go is the spawn of Satan.

this is like peak 2001 (played on the switch in 2021)

SUPER infravalorado. Lo he completado con todos los logros en PS3, PS4, Vita y Xbox One. A día de hoy puede que no sea gran cosa, pero cuando era pequeño estaba viciadísimo. Una pena que hayan cancelado el segundo juego, tenía bastantes gana de jugar a la secuela cuando era pequeño.

Tenía buena variedad de mapas y armas, con un estilo visual bastante y personajes bastante únicos.