Reviews from

in the past

De momento solo ha salido el capítulo así que no tengo una opinión muy formada. Los personajes me gustan y la historia parece interesante aunque a veces se alarga de más.

As of now, Ciconia is a fantastic representation of the "children shouldn't have to suffer because of the vendettas made by the generations before them" theme we see in When They Cry visual novels. It offers a variety of perspectives on gifted children programs, mental illness in response to military training, and the responsibilities we have to the countries we're born in. Despite having only one chapter as of now, Ciconia is incredibly captivating with a superbly diverse cast and beautifully tragic story. I'm always down for a story about how the military glamorizes itself to convince young people into enlisting and then forces them to fight battles that they'll never benefit from. Too bad the next part of this will probably release when I'm dead.