Reviews from

in the past

Maybe 4 stars is a little too much, but this game is so fun XD. I love a good campy horror, Clock Tower 3 is the definition of a stupid and silly slasher, the tone of the game is really weird, but in a good way, it has genuinely heavy moments, however 80% of the time it's a bunch of lame cutscenes and shitty dialogue, LOVED IT. The gameplay is simple, but actually functional. Give it a chance if you like this type of game that, unfortunately, we don´t have anymore.

Team Rocket ahh semi boss.

On my momma we throwin bath water on fools don’t let me touch a fountain ong

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Clock tower 3 is a very strange game to review due to its way of going about things. The tone shifts are meant to be surprising and shocking for example the scene of the guy dumping a family in acid to the looeny toons escape you can perform while running away.After the initial shock it becomes funny because of the absurdity. (However I think it adds to the tone ct3 was going for in the way old horror movies were). Some of the story telling and Meachams are out dated from time but the panic system and judgement system are new and interesting to gaming. A true highlight is the mocap and animation directed by a flim maker which is wacky and extremely jumpy but very intriguing and unique for their playness and movement. Pretty cool game and possibly the best clocktower or second best. Check it out if you haven't so far :)

The real take away from this game is that England sucks and it's a terrifying place to live in.

I was expecting kind of a survivor-horror game where the main character struggles with monsters from other dimensions while solves the puzzles to unlock the path ahead (because it's made by Capcom).

The main character Alyssa is just a teen-age girl who is just... an ordinary girl. I thought this was a perfect choice because the other highly popular survivor-horror games had protagonists who can fight against threats, kill the prime-evil and save the world. So this game would step aside with different kind of protagonist and focus on horror and survival. The first episode met my expectations, it did so well that even managed to scare me a few times. It was like you're playing "Dead by Daylight but with puzzles" (and with a story). The developers even put hiding spots, so you can temporarily hide from the killer until he's gone or use the rings that turns you invisible (temporarily). And I found the animations too good when you think about this is a PS2 game from 2002. But... the whole aspect of survival-horror went to 0 when the game put me in a fight with the killer at the end of the episode.

The fight was out from nowhere dude, Alyssa just got a magical bow in the boss introduction scene and for a second I thought she was going to turn into a fairy like the girls in Winx Club... lol. The boss was waiting while moving his body down and up like he's a character from Street Fighter (and it's actually so funny when you think about the fact that Capcom is the owner of SF too.)

The boss battle was so simple too, when you figure out how to stun and chain him you can easily abuse it. After the fight, whole game repeats the same process. You enter a new location, solve the puzzles while new killer runs after you, after you complete all quests you fight the killer, stun-lock the them and kill them easily.

I played more than %50 percent of the game, I was actually close to complete it but after repeating the same thing for 3-4 times and the game introduced me with the new killer and a new location I was like "okay that's enough"

this game is like haunting ground if it was extremely unserious

If you can, play Haunting Ground instead as it is a refined version of what this game is going. Except for the cutscenes, since Haunting Ground goes for horror and this game has the some of the campiest cutscenes you could see in a game.

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It’s one of my favorite games to speedrun however it’s a very punishing game. With no difficulty options you’re thrown right into the game as it was intended to play.

There is a clear mode that unlocks once you beat the game that gives you access to a few costumes. Enemies are much more aggressive and harder to evade.

This game would be good if every cool thing it tries to do wasn't done so poorly. I'll leave it at that.

Similar to Project Zero but with more jumpscares and, also, more violent. However it's fun to play.
Although the cut scenes look quite stunning, they're very theatrical,... too much theatrical. The way the characters express themselves is a bit over the top...

Sometimes you need to wait until the narration ends (not just for cut-scenes but for letters you find, as well). That can be a lil irritating. It's kinda of a slow game.

a satisfying mix of silly & scary, more so silly. i had a lot of fun enjoying the over the top motion capture, & the comedic timing among the baby jumpscares. it's like if silent hill 3 & devil may cry were combined for a goofy horror game. love it.

but after the doozy of a final boss it was hard to remember what i did like in the game. the boss fight combat was actually really fun for the other ones, but the final one was so hard i was actually screaming.

i laughed, raged, felt for the characters, enjoyed my notes & lore. pretty classic game! some of the music was absolute bangers & some could give resident evil's basement theme a run for its money. i played haunting ground before this & gotta admit they did the not-clock-tower themed stalker horror better in that one. nevertheless it was an entertaining night playing this game!

If you've never experienced this game, You've never experienced true camp.

cock tower 3 is the more popular of the ps2 run Away from the Monster games but also in my opinion not the best falling into a lot of cliches of the time and feeling a bit too over the top

A fair bit different from the original Clock Tower games but still pretty fun. The whole turning into sailor moon with a bow and arrow thing sort of kills its own tone as a proper horror game and there's some hilarious voice work in there but there's still plenty of enjoyment to be had if you can bask in its silliness

The one thing that really stands out to me is the cutscene motion cap. Characters flail all over the place and animate like those dancing balloon dudes you see outside of car dealerships and its equal parts hilarious and distracting

If you want a more serious game with a similar feel play Haunting Ground but if you want something a little more light on the horror elements then this is worth a play for sure

With Clock Tower 3, I went in with rather low expectations considering this game got bad reviews in its time and is remembered even less fondly. I was pleasantly surprised. It's fun and quite frustration-free to play through, the story is good (best out of the Clock Tower series, for sure), it looks beautiful and the atmosphere is downright excellent in some levels. The music is good too, the voice acting is okay, and the cutscenes are a sight to behold.

They seemed very proud to have gotten Kinji Fukasaku (director of Battle Royale) to direct the cutscenes cuz they showed his name very prominently. Fair play; this was also his last major project before his death, bittersweetly enough.

While it has a few very scary and violent scenes, most of the game is relatively lighthearted, more like a funhouse than an actual haunting, and the tone of the game sometimes gets weird with the very Japanese humour. Some cutscenes are so goddamn goofy because of how proud they were of their motion-capture technology, they had actors flail around constantly to the point of hilarity. The gameplay also has a fair bit of PS2-era jank, particularly in the boss battles. But all of that adds to its charm at this point.

Side note, imo it has a really nice empowering story for young girls without being spiteful or overzealous. If I had a daughter I'd probably recommend this game to her. I'm 24 now okay. I get these types of thoughts sometimes lmao.

Well, compared to 2 it is very good, some controls they managed to update well but several mechanics seemed dated even for the time of its release.

The story is also well traveled, but it's still entertaining. Overall, it's a good game.

Played time: 10hrs


Complete total bonkers. One of the most absurd horror (?) experiences i've played in a long time and I kinda loved it for it. Can't think of many games that are like this, A weird mixture of gothic horror, time travel, ghost stories and... Mahou Shoujo, of all things. The cutscenes are very entertaining and the acting is extremely over the top, specially thanks to how fluid the mocap is.

It's very flawed, however. The purser A.I. is broken and is a complete pest throughout the whole game, there's barely any quiet time due to how often they show up and it tends to make a lot of the puzzles pretty annoying (and I'm pretty sure I haven't done anything wrong either, I would finally avoid them and they show up like 10 seconds afterwards no matter how quiet I was).

A very interesting experience, but don't go in expecting a traditional horror game.

Unlike the previous games, this one was far more action packed and even featured one or two real-life serial killers as an enemy such as the infamous Acid-Bath murderer. Though I doubt he acted like James Stephanie Sterling IRL.

After a period of running and hiding from the horror that's chasing you, you get to a certain location and unlock the power of a magical bow to shoot down and destroy these evil spirits!

Stream + gameplay

é brega pra caralho e eu... gostei disso

o jogo caga mto no pau na boss fight final que é chatíssima, se o combate fosse mais dinâmico nesses momentos ajudaria um pouco

muito campy e é isso que torna ele incrível

el ultimo jefe es una mierda

ok i'm editing my review because i do have stuff to say

from an outside perspective looking in i initially thought the game looked quite goofy and stupid but a good time overall. like one of those 'so bad it's good' games, but i was so pleasantly surprised, it was definitely worth my time.

the universe and characters are quite silly but i found myself getting very immersed and attached to them. there's a lot of interesting story in this game, once everything comes together it tells quite a sad coming of age story with a lot of family drama.

of course, it is very theatrical and has some very funny moments, but i felt that those didn't take from the horror, because believe me this game definitely has a lot of good scares. the gameplay may be a little clunky but the chase sequences can be very stress inducing especially with the chase theme for the first 2 stalkers being very loud and abrupt.

best way to summarise this game for me would be if disney made a disney princess survival horror game where you play as a young princess being trapped in the past with stalkers based on real life serial killers. it's super theatrical with a lot of fun colourful characters and very over the top cutscenes and acting, but under all that is a very relatable and grounded story about societal expectations for little girls and generational trauma.

Interesting of Capcom to make a pursuit-oriented survival horror, which they'd soon refine in Hunting Ground. Sadly this is a really dumb and kinda tedious game, if sometimes surprisingly graphic and harrowing.

this game is insane in the best way possible

Funny game. Terrible horror game. Bosses are annoying

Historias crueles y dramaticas mezcladas con horror y fantasia. Persecuciones , jugar al escondite, resolver acertijos y leer notas como los clasicos suvirval horror. Algo diferente a las entregas originales pero con calidad!