Reviews from

in the past

This is the go-to game I boot up to listen to my backlog of TheVolgun's SCP readings. Oddly both relaxing and addicting it is to calmly color in pixels while listening to the horror of the SCP universe.

giving this game a 4 feels wrong because it isn’t great by any means but fuck it’s literally the perfect game in this genre of “games people play to zone out and ignore their autism to”

The best second monitor game of all time. Or maybe I'm just autistic.
Also, for the love of god, change your default font to Tahoma as soon as you boot up the game.

175 achievements down, 1500+ to go...

Honestly, super chill to do if you're watching something or just chilling on Discord with your friends and not feeling like focusing on a bigger game.

completely taking over my mind. all i see now is pixels

The plight of my existence. Everything about it eats my time.

I have been playing this game for years, and I can't say it's the best game ever by any stretch of the imagination, but it is absolutely perfect for just passing the time while watching a TV show or relaxing at night.

time sink, never touch this

I can't really advocate for this game due to kinda eternally sinking my Steam achievement percentage. Generally, it boils down to just selecting a colour and sliding my cursor over the thing for ten minutes and it's just kinda boring. Time sinks can be fun, but this one just gets repetitive really fast.

Boredom really makes you play unexpected stuff uh.

Despite the constantly sinking Steam achievements, its a good game to wind down with.

literally only got this because it was free and played it for about half an hour before i realised it's boring as shit. i like colouring games but i have one on my phone and it's much simpler because all you have to do is click once to colour an area, not drag around like this one. also it made no sense for me to have a wind down game on pc

An awesome game to chill and catch up on shows with, plus a steady stream of new DLC keeps you from losing interest