Reviews from

in the past

I liked the idea of playing with something that is like, uh, "sexyness on PS1"; the intro with polygonal sexy girls was delicious in its absurdity.

But this is unplayable. I really tried to end THE FIRST MISSION and the clumsiness of the controls made it impossible and there are no save points to soften the difficulty, so I had to start the game from zero over and over. And I'm really patient with videogames, I've tried like 10 times.

There's something attractive beside the polygon tiddies anyway, but(t)... those controls, man. Anyway, I'm sure that I'll give it another chance someday.

Wow! You did it guys. You bundled up Indiana Jones, James Bond, Metal Gear Solid, and Tomb Raider all into one game and tried to hide how creatively bankrupt it is by ogling every woman at every opportunity. Congratulations on having no imagination

The best part of this game is the artwork

>Danger GIRL
>There are clearly multiple girls
How come chief willoughby