Reviews from

in the past

Last played ~2008 so can't comment on the game currently. DarkOrbit is about collecting resources and upgrading your ship to fight in PvE and PvP for your faction. It's basically a far less complex version EVE Online. The game glitched and gave me a huge amount of credits randomly at one point which allowed me to purchase the best free-to-play gear but I still didn't stand a chance against premium players. The glitch also indicates that the game was not very stable.

It was one of the few browser games I played back in 2009, I stopped playing after 2013 because the game got to a point where it was practically impossible to progress without spending money on it, PVP used to be entertaining and there were LOTS of people playing this game which was very epic back in the days, unfortunately this game is dead and cannot be played on most modern machines.

Cómo pude llegar a perder años de mi vida en esta mierda

No le puedo dar más por lo que se ha convertido, pero tampoco le puedo dar menos por ser gran parte de mi infancia, no tenía un gran pc de niño y me vicie a esto como si no hubiera un mañana, conocí gente y me lo pasé en grande con los clanes.