Reviews from

in the past

It's okay.
Roster fucking sucks though.
Accelerator is an assist character man what kinda nonsense is that?

ma girl taiga in dis one fo sho

Mechanically it's pretty fun but character movesets are rather lacking. The roster of playable characters is pretty small but it's also endearingly weird with its odd selection of LN characters and the mix of sega content with dengeki characters is interesting. The spritework is really well-done but the singleplayer content is pretty weak. There's just an awkwardly-written arcade mode but being able to unlock Akira was really cool.

Sword Art Online protagonist Kirito fights Oreimo protagonist Kirino on Green Hill Zone. L move on SEGA to localize the original release when the updated version was coming out in Japan.

We need kirito on evo main stage

This girl got a dreamcast controller on her forehead

Really cool fighting game, was sweet getting to play as characters like Shana and Taiga.

if ur a weeb and appreciate nonsense fighting just for the fanservice sake, its fun.
playing as the most random anime characters in sega related stages seems illegal - but this is what this game is. arcade lacks a lot on content but the gameplay is easy and fun nonetheless

I only played this because Misaka is a character, I admit it.

Overly simplified compared to other anime fighters. Salty that Onii-sama isn't playable in this version.

I originally imported this.
I don't know my fighting games that well but jumping up someone's face and unloading Rentaro's gun brought me unmatched levels of joy. It's probably a good title to get into 2D fighters because it's somewhat slower than most and featues a bunch of mechanics you also find across more well-known titles

It is fun, but they simplified it TOO much. Playing with a lot of characters has no meaning if you just do the same things with all of them.

I have no idea what i'm doing and i think this isn't for me. But i managed to platinum trophy it even tho idk what i'm doing. Story is kinda not good either despite the cross overs



Oh god It has SAO characters
F- out of F-

why did they make the girl from valkyria chronicles boobs 15 times larger than canon

This game had BBTAG mix before BBTAG had BBTAG mix

I can't believe the girl from Oreimo has a Ryu Number of 2