Reviews from

in the past

An underappreciated predecessor to HOTLINE MIAMI

Dirty and ugly and transcendently so at times. Even the UI has big noisy balls. The name entry screen involves a ring of NPCs holding letters of the alphabet. Shoot one and they silently take your bullet, falling in line behind McClane as you circle round and spell your name, duck-duck-goose with a Glock. The airport level is a dissociative first person massacre, wading through a wash of wistful synth music, sublime garbage made with gusto. Fast food teenage slumber party Blockbuster video rental excellence.

Hey! This isn't even my jurisdiction!

Fechei 100% somente o modo do Prédio que é o melhor, jogão que somente quem jogou na época consegue jogar hoje em dia por ser muito datado na jogabilidade e FPS muito baixo.

My brother got this for Christmas one year and even though we'd never seen any of the Die Hard movies because we were too young we both loved this game and then badgered our parents into letting us watch the movies so it all worked out in the end.

There is firing in the terminal!
You just KILLED someone!

This game is such a fun arcade experience, the first game runs on for a bit too long but it's addicting. The second is difficult at times, but I think with repeated plays you could beat it in no time. The third game... Well, it's pretty terrible. Awful controls, bad frame rate and set on a time limit? Count me out. It's worth it just for the first two games alone.

Die Hard: 4/5
Die Harder: 3.5/5
With a Vengeance: 1.5/5

Full video review:

I originally reviewed this game in March of this year and I was so happy to go back and play it again. Still such a fun arcade experience. I love the concept that each movie is it's own genre and it doesn't dump exposition on you. You're thrown right into the action with each one. The first game is solid, but I think it runs on for just a bit too long still. The second game has easily become my favorite. The second is really difficult, but it's short and definitely a game you can beat. The third game is still awful, with bad controls, stuttering frame rate and every mission is on a time limit. Game is 100% worth it for the first two games alone. Oh yeah, and don't sleep on the soundtrack either! Banger!

Die Hard: 3.5/5
Die Harder: 4/5
With a Vengeance: 1.5/5

It’s a bit odd this is classed as a bundle because unless I remember incorrectly these games were not released separately.

The second and third games are much better than the first which felt like a grind to finish. The third in particular is tremendous fun and at times utterly ridiculous.

while it's easily overlooked now, the fact that this was at one point £20 on the platinum range was absolutely insane.